Mod i want to install:
Oblivion(except if you say me otherwise... lol)
Shivering isle and all other DLC including KotN
every unofficial patch, except supplemental and thieve den sigil stone fix
francesco / OOO (still need to choose)
a item mod (need to choose wich one, but i think i will take WEPON or Armamentarium + Artifacts)***
@Auto book placer 3.4
@All +5 attribute 1.0
@CallMountStableMaster 0.2
@Decorator Assistant 1.1
@Decorator Assistant Unlock 1.2
@Display Stats 1.3.1
@Dude Where My horse 100.0
@Enhanced Weather 1.4.2
@Natural Environments 2.1.3 (weather feature disabled)
@Is it safe 1.0 (i don't know if i will still use it, buggy, i alway loose the spell from my spell list)
@Map Marker Overhaul 3.8
@Recover disarmed weapon (you can't find this one, i know it will not conflict with other, was never realesed big thx to kandiedan whomade it)
@Reznod mannequins 3.0
@Toggleable Quantity prompts
And a new map, in color
Maybe frostcrag reborn
@: if a new version i will update, but i already have the omod, and installed
*I want my item mod to fully integrate to the game. Does WEPON and Armamentarium + Artifacts item actually appear on new OOO or francesco and MMM change? I also want it balanced. If both are equally balanced and both fully integrate, i will choose WEPON, since it don't add item i dont like... nunchaku and other
**Quest award leveler work with unofficial patch? I mean, if the guy who made it saw that X item at lvl 10 is the weapon of lvl 20, but don't correct the error, but put in his script to give the lvl 10 at lvl 20, then unofficial patch correct the item of lvl 10 t be for lvl 10 and correct lvl 20 also, so quest award give the lvl 10 because it was lvl 20 item, but now that unofficial patch corrected it, quest award give wrong item... or does quest award leveler work perfectly with the patch? Also, i want to know if this quest award leveler also work in SI. And just to know, does i need quest award leveler in OOO, or since every thing is static, even quest don't have anymore leveled loot?
Also, if there is a better quest award leveler...
Ok so i want to know if there will be any conflict using all those mod, and if i need to create a bash patch (i can't install wrye bash, because python don't work on my computer)
Also, if you know any mod for official DLC... other thing like frostcrag reborn.
Except if im wrong, francesco development stopped. Is this the final version, no bug at all, or it was just abandoned? And for OOO, should i expect a lot of bug?. How hard it will be to install all my mod? IS there a specific way to install that? All i know is that i will have to pass BOSS...