About Say Procedure in packages

Post » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:49 am

Has anyone ever had luck with this? It seems to be broken for me. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong.

When I do:
Sequence (Repeat)  -Say (Hello)  -Follow  -Wait (5 secs)
My NPC will say something, then my sequence will never repeat, and my NPC never does a Say ever again. If I take out Say and replace it with something else, it repeats fine.

Then, if I nest it with some branches, my NPC will repeat his Say... over.. and over.. and over... indefinitely, never moving, never continuing, just saying Hello forever and ever and ever.
Sequence (Repeat)  -Sequence    -Say (Hello)    -Simultaneous      -Follow      -Wait (5 secs)
I can't get it to work right.
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Lawrence Armijo
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