Then, I am not sure if it's clever hack or else, but it feels very weiredly unadvantageous for me to play from time to time on the server.
For example, enemies need a lot more bullets to go down when I am so easily killed by 2 or 3 bullets.
It almost feel like they are using damage enhance hack and armor enhance hack,
Even when the oppopnents' ping is higher than me and I did obvioulsy started firing before the oppo, I got killed first and killcam shows he is about a half second ahead of me. (my ping was around 105 and his was around 215 and he still got the advatange to play about a half second ahead of me.)
Not only that some players there obviously lag switching sometimes..
I sometimes feel very weirdly being cheated on one of fragnetics servers, I can't quite accurately point out who's hacking what but it's weirdly feel disadvanteoulsly playing for me.
(it's very weird, and I've been playing this game since day 1, so I do know some things, and this feeling I get is somewhat similar to the weirdness I got back when hacking was so much easier than now)
Can any experienced players vouch for these weird hack like experience on fragnetics server?