About that DLC...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:43 am


If it isn't free: Damn. I guess I would have to wait and see if it's really worth it.

In regards to "if it isn't free" I notice a lot of people going "CRYTEK DERP! YOU GUYS svck MAKING US PAY FOR MORE GARBAGE! SCREW YOU GUYS FOR NOT MAKING THE DLC FREE AND FOR MAKING US PAY YOU STUPID CONSOLE DERP DERP!!" Okay first off, to people like that, you guys are jumping too far. We don't even know if we have to pay for the DLC. Second off, it is NOT CRYTEK who chooses whether a DLC is to be free or not. Crytek has no say if their DLC is free, end of story. Their publisher, EA, is what says "okay, this is paid DLC, this ain't and etc." Before you guys bring up "But mass effect 2 had tons of free DLC!" that was actually promotional DLC. In other words, Bioware's "free DLC" was meant to be in Mass Effect 2 but instead they made it into separate DLC to be a free download. Why? Because that's how they get fans to say "look at this amazing developer...giving free DLC..." and thus they'd buy the game. Don't get me wrong I LOVE MASS EFFECT 2, but the point is, EA controls the price.

That is all. pencs.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:52 am

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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am

We're not complaining about if the DLC is free or not.
We're complaining because a paid MAP PACK divides the community between people wich have it and people wich haven't.

Release a new skin pack, or new single player levels, or new achievements, and it's ok, nobody complains...
But releasing a paid Map Pack divides the few servers that currently are between servers with DLC and server without DLC's.

Bad Company 2, by example, has paid DLC's too (Spectact and Vietnam), but all the Map Packs were free. You can buy or not, but no server of BFBC2 will kick you for not having the DLC.

Whoever don't see that is an idiot and a sickly crytek fanboy.

It's a cheap move by EA and Crytek (And yes, it's both fault).
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 am

Ok the SP is awesome even without DX11 and I just be curious to see the game with them.

But the MP is completly another thing. Too many bugs, I feel like it is a beta or a demo!!! So they could even give me 1000 maps for free but the feelings about the beta/demo will just stay there.

And if Talon_257 is right (did't see a link) and the new maps aren't free i'll give up with this game title.

A serious company if haven't finish the work in time have to say "we are sorry but the product is not ready. please wait and you will be rewarned with a masterpiece" not like crytek... They just released an incomplete game and I haven't read yet a sorry from the company.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:50 am

We're not complaining about if the DLC is free or not.
We're complaining because a paid MAP PACK divides the community between people wich have it and people wich haven't.

Orly? IF you guys complain about DLC which will split people in two groups then why dude below your post is whining about paying money for DLC, why there is bunch on threads where people whine about those 10-15$, and not about actual results of selling DLC, instead of releasing it for free.
You guys saying one thing, that $$ DLC is bad for community, but eventually you guys are biching only about money. It's like saying "i want give money to poor people because i care about them" and then kick them on street and sell their houses.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:14 am

We're not complaining about if the DLC is free or not.
We're complaining because a paid MAP PACK divides the community between people wich have it and people wich haven't.

Orly? IF you guys complain about DLC which will split people in two groups then why dude below your post is whining about paying money for DLC, why there is bunch on threads where people whine about those 10-15$, and not about actual results of selling DLC, instead of releasing it for free.
You guys saying one thing, that $$ DLC is bad for community, but eventually you guys are biching only about money. It's like saying "i want give money to poor people because i care about them" and then kick them on street and sell their houses.

I am not biching about money. I don't know anyone without $10 or 10 Euros burning a hole in their pocket at any one point.

We are biching about a company developing pre-launch DLC and then selling it post-launch for a quick buck without regards to the consumer while leaving many bugs and issues unfixed.

And yes, any paid DLC, especially map packs, splits up the community, reduces its size, and kills it off. Especially if the game is on life-support already like Crysis 2 is. Paid DLC will be the nail in the coffin for most people to move on from the game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:19 pm

We're not complaining about if the DLC is free or not.
We're complaining because a paid MAP PACK divides the community between people wich have it and people wich haven't.

Orly? IF you guys complain about DLC which will split people in two groups then why dude below your post is whining about paying money for DLC, why there is bunch on threads where people whine about those 10-15$, and not about actual results of selling DLC, instead of releasing it for free.
You guys saying one thing, that $$ DLC is bad for community, but eventually you guys are biching only about money. It's like saying "i want give money to poor people because i care about them" and then kick them on street and sell their houses.
I would like to pay for a good DLC with a decent content as long as the game itself works fine.

The problem is that Crysis 2 is full of bugs and we are still waiting for them to be fixed and we also wait for the DX11 patch (DX11 is almost 2 years old...). Furthermore the DLC includes 4 maps ONLY, that is nothing! Why should I pay 35% of what I paid for the original game (10$ = 14€ and I paid 40€) for FOUR maps? FOUR maps for 14€ if the entire game just costs 40€? Seriously, that is disappointing, especially since the game is full of problems, hackers and a lot of IMPORTANT features are missing plus most Limited Edition costumers have HUGE trouble with USING the code they paid for. And as other users mentioned before, it is also a shame to develop a DLC before the launch and after releasing such a buggy game wanting more money. And yes, such a mappack does split the community.

I would surely support a GOOD DLC with a decent content for a fair price, but this package does not even deserve the name "DLC"...

If I'd knew all this before, I would not buy Crysis 2 again under any cirumstances. Good to know that for Crysis 3 (if it even comes) or any other future Crytek released...
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:13 pm

Actually, it was confirmed from EA that Crysis 2 DLC will cost $10 on ALL platforms (equal to 800MSpoints on Xbox).

Silentphenom is not in the loop.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:45 am

Man, stop liking some Crytek ass and learn to read:

I will pay a DLC if it is as follow:

- A Singleplayer DLC with a new campaign, maybe protagonized by Nomad or Psycho.
- A DLC with new skins for nanosuit, weapons, tags, etc...
- A DLC with new perks, killstreaks, achievements, vehicles, etc

But I won't pay for a DLC with only 4 maps ripped off from the SP campaign that will entertain me just a week and will ban 50% of servers for people that don't buy it.

And of course, Crytek must fix the game before trying to milk us for more money.

It's not a money question. 10$ it's not a big quantity of money, it's just that Crytek doesn't deserve even 1 cent.

PD: And the price is 10$ for USA players, and 14.2$ for EU players. (Yes, Crytek&EA thinks EU players are a little more idiots)
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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:04 pm

Man, stop liking some Crytek ass and learn to read:

I will pay a DLC if it is as follow:

- A Singleplayer DLC with a new campaign, maybe protagonized by Nomad or Psycho.
- A DLC with new skins for nanosuit, weapons, tags, etc...
- A DLC with new perks, killstreaks, achievements, vehicles, etc

But I won't pay for a DLC with only 4 maps ripped off from the SP campaign that will entertain me just a week and will ban 50% of servers for people that don't buy it.

And of course, Crytek must fix the game before trying to milk us for more money.

It's not a money question. 10$ it's not a big quantity of money, it's just that Crytek doesn't deserve even 1 cent.

PD: And the price is 10$ for USA players, and 14.2$ for EU players. (Yes, Crytek&EA thinks EU players are a little more idiots)
No they think we are wealthier.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:59 pm

Silent you got TS3? We gotta play online sometime :D Hahaa.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:18 pm

I am not biching about money. I don't know anyone without $10 or 10 Euros burning a hole in their pocket at any one point.

We are biching about a company developing pre-launch DLC and then selling it post-launch for a quick buck without regards to the consumer while leaving many bugs and issues unfixed.

And yes, any paid DLC, especially map packs, splits up the community, reduces its size, and kills it off. Especially if the game is on life-support already like Crysis 2 is. Paid DLC will be the nail in the coffin for most people to move on from the game.

ORLY? So why do you post ridiculous screens. of DLC folder with "15 DOLLARS" written all over it, if regarding to what you say money are not problem here? Seriously... if the problem is content, not money, why you post that **** screen all over the forum?
You are saying one thing, but your actions prove otherwise, and same is with most of people here :X
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:30 am

ORLY? So why do you post ridiculous screens. of DLC folder with "15 DOLLARS" written all over it, if regarding to what you say money are not problem here? Seriously... if the problem is content, not money, why you post that **** screen all over the forum?
You are saying one thing, but your actions prove otherwise, and same is with most of people here :X
Because although the content might be cr4p, if it's free nobody will complain.

I don't mid if it's 20$, 10$, or 5$. Paying for dividing the servers is counterproductive for us.
There's few people playing Crysis 2 online at this moment and this DLC are going to screw the servers even more.

Crytek, make new maps free o don't make them at all.
If you want money selling us DLCs, try making singleplayer DLCs or things that can coexist with vanilla servers.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:23 pm

I am not biching about money. I don't know anyone without $10 or 10 Euros burning a hole in their pocket at any one point.

We are biching about a company developing pre-launch DLC and then selling it post-launch for a quick buck without regards to the consumer while leaving many bugs and issues unfixed.

And yes, any paid DLC, especially map packs, splits up the community, reduces its size, and kills it off. Especially if the game is on life-support already like Crysis 2 is. Paid DLC will be the nail in the coffin for most people to move on from the game.

ORLY? So why do you post ridiculous screens. of DLC folder with "15 DOLLARS" written all over it, if regarding to what you say money are not problem here? Seriously... if the problem is content, not money, why you post that **** screen all over the forum?
You are saying one thing, but your actions prove otherwise, and same is with most of people here :X

Because the fact that it costs money at all is the problem. Not how much money it costs, just that it does cost money.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:48 am

imagine this:

-100 people play crysis mp
-but 50 bought the map pack
-so now 50 plays the map pack the other 50 dont thus splitting the mp community into half
-so some of these players will say, dam there is too little players here on the free map servers and leave
-out of 50 maybe only 30 stays
-player base will now drop to 100-30 = 70 (optimistic)

conclusion: lesser peeps to shoot at, thus lesser servers and games, thus degrading online multiplayer
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:11 am

i dont enjoy the multiplayer much in the first place, im not buying the DLC
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:23 am

all buy TeamFortress 2 for 10$ and have fun for next 3 years(plus, free updates, hats, DLcs aka maps, it's all free)
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:11 pm

So if i bought this on steam, how will i buy the maps? I hate the idea of buying maps for Crysis 2
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:25 am


trying to start this maps on my server LOL
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:33 am

Many people who can't buy DLC are kids who can't buy yourself it cause mom gave them a present. That's for sure. So what do I think about C2 DLC? These maps are designed by Crytek Studio. 10$ pffff. No problem. BUT Crytek made 1 mistake - They didn't make a stable client of Crysis 2 first, before released a payed content. Though Crytek affraid themself and the community when they will release SDK and noone needs this DLC. Heh funny but True!

And finally where is this focking DX11? I've bought the game since the start and guess what - I played 5 minutes not more. I wanna see the beauty of Crysis series. I hope Crytek will surprise me with the new level of graphics
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:05 pm

You're right. They stuffed their wallets with money saved on school lunches.

Very sad.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:28 am

You're right. They stuffed their wallets with money saved on school lunches.

Very sad.
No, he isn't right
You guys should learn to read what ppl write before biching
As someone in this topic said cost is not the problem. The problem is price existing considering all circumstances
I spend in bars much more then pitty 10 bucks, but I don't think I have to feed the guys who deceived me with game, don't really work to solve the problems and tend to milk me for another bunch of bucks. No even cent i'm willing to spare for them at the moment. The game doesn't deserve to be payed anymore
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:51 am

Yes. It is that. You have a money and kiddys have not to eat. He save bucks for DLC C2. :D
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:04 pm

sorry for my ignorance but any official post about the prize of this so called mappack??

if its official then i officially toss away my crysis 2 game

never ever i gonna pay for a mappack while 80% of the game is broke.

so anyone who can show me a official link where they tell the prizes of these DLC mappacks??
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:55 pm

sorry for my ignorance but any official post about the prize of this so called mappack??

if its official then i officially toss away my crysis 2 game

never ever i gonna pay for a mappack while 80% of the game is broke.

so anyone who can show me a official link where they tell the prizes of these DLC mappacks??

The Crysis 2 Retaliation Pack arrives on Tuesday, May 17 in the US (May 18 in the EU) at $9.99 (or 800 Microsoft Points) for all platforms. Adapt. Upgrade. Dominate. Be the weapon. Only in Crysis 2.

Welcome to the "Angry Costumers Club"
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