About the Alduin statue.

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:55 pm

PVC makes good potato guns *shrug*
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Danny Warner
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:19 pm

The statue is amazing. Can't wait to pick up my big box of CE goodies 11.11.11.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:47 pm

I believe it will be plastic, alot of time game companys or even company's in general will say its HIGH QUALITY PVC, this can be truth yet lie, here is a example

My best buddies got me 2 Final Fantasy 7 PVC statues,costing $200 EACH, one of Vincent and one of Shepy *can't spell full name :/*

Vincent's fingers *all* on his class hand broke off when barely even touched after removing it from packaging,
Shepy's katana sword blade broke off at the hilt after having it for a few months.

Another example incase people say "well its not real HIGH QUALITY PVC cuz it was imported and shipping damaged it"

I bought myself a PVC statue that also claimed it was HIGHEST QUALITY PVC from ANIME EXPO, I checked it out before I bought it and everything was great quality, amazing really, unless I tried to take off the clothing (yes it was one of THOSE :wub: ) as soon as I removed the shirt, the arm broke off.

These were all import but I checked them all out and they broke within a month or sooner

So ask yourself this, will you be happy to just have a statue collecting dust or put proudly on your desk that COULD break after a few months?
Do you think spending $150 on BAISCLY this statue that COULD have a risk of breaking alot or even just a ALITTLE a risk to you and worth it?

You decide, for me I am sticking to the normal edition even tho I want that artbook, box,game and making of DVD but i will pass on a statue even tho i love them, no way in hell is it worth that much money, MAYBE if it was $120 but id rather buy it at $100 ONLY.

REALLY it is a 50/50 chance of breaking even a small part maybe i was very unlucky but still, I rather not risk it if I was you, but who knows it could be a sound infestment for something to collect dust, i saw this even tho I have a crap load of anime figures, i like them but i know most are not worth more than $20-40 n thats a mask price, hell one of them WAS $80 but got the price down to $40 n the hair is coming off and colour is fading

I think a lot of the problem with your statues were the fact that the things that broke were structurally unsound when made a solid, immovable object.

That dragon is a pretty solid looking hunk of PVC/plastic. It doesn't have much that could snap like an arm or a sword blade, it's mostly a hulk of sculpted material.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:44 pm

Yea I wans't going to get it either until my dad gave the CE pre-order receipt and said "happy birthday son." :cry:

XD lucky!!

Now for the real question is that crying emot you crying from joy or your dad crying from all the money he just lost on a game for his son?XD
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:31 pm

Hmm... I really wish a mod or someone would comment.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:19 am

If anyone is interested (and has FB), you can go here https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gaming-Heads/153758185027?v=wall, and see photos of this company putting statues together for Valve IPs, and also what customers say about them. But yes, these will be manufactured in China (obviously).
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:10 am

Hmm... I really wish a mod or someone would comment.

Question: Why would it matter if a mod would comment? We have been commenting this whole time have you not seen?

Mod's are just people doing this as volunteer work.
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:45 am

Question: Why would it matter if a mod would comment? We have been commenting this whole time have you not seen?

Mod's are just people doing this as volunteer work.

A mod or whoever would likely have a better idea of what it's made of.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:46 am

A mod or whoever would likely have a better idea of what it's made of.

It's made of PVC... I assure you that no mod on these forums will have insider info as to the actual quality and durability of these statues.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:25 am

With the general census on these forums hating the statue so much, and with the general player-base outside of these forums being unlikely to buy the collectors edition, I wonder why Bethesda can't just scrap that statue... I suppose it would be hard considering they already have pre-orders and some people may possibly complain about a dropped price at the exclusion of the statue (granted that's very unlikely, not heard a single compliment for the statue yet) but they could also have asked the player-base what they thought about a cheap plastic statue that's too huge to store easily yet too brittle (at least if what others have been saying about PVC is anything to go by) not to store carefully.

Always dislike it when a company has a seemingly perfect product that they decide to ruin by throwing in something a very small minority wants to justify increasing the price a good 50%.
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Marine x
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:48 pm

The statue is not going to be top quality stuff as Bethesda as a business is trying to pull in as much of the profits as they can. However i don't believe the quality of the plastic will make it any less "good Looking" on my shelf. :mohawk:
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:27 am

With the general census on these forums hating the statue so much, and with the general player-base outside of these forums being unlikely to buy the collectors edition, I wonder why Bethesda can't just scrap that statue... I suppose it would be hard considering they already have pre-orders and some people may possibly complain about a dropped price at the exclusion of the statue (granted that's very unlikely, not heard a single compliment for the statue yet) but they could also have asked the player-base what they thought about a cheap plastic statue that's too huge to store easily yet too brittle (at least if what others have been saying about PVC is anything to go by) not to store carefully.

Always dislike it when a company has a seemingly perfect product that they decide to ruin by throwing in something a very small minority wants to justify increasing the price a good 50%.


I would have gladly paid $100 for the game, artbook and making of DVD.

I don't understand if they want to make the most profit why not push out another collector's edition at say that price so we can all afford it?

Don't get me wrong, i totally can afford the CE but I am no way in Oblivion going to spend that much
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Jason Rice
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:17 am


I would have gladly paid $100 for the game, artbook and making of DVD.

I don't understand if they want to make the most profit why not push out another collector's edition at say that price so we can all afford it?

Don't get me wrong, i totally can afford the CE but I am no way in Oblivion going to spend that much

I think that's the crux of it. I read the poster's comments about the price of the pvc plastic and I understand why the statue is expensive to make...but I don't pay 50 bucks for plastic anything, and I purchase a lot of collectibles. I wouldn't buy a plastic statue if it were the best sculpt of my favorite character. That, to me, just screams cheap, no matter how 'expensive' the material is, so I can't justify getting the CE even though I want everything else inside it.
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