» Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:49 pm
I believe it will be plastic, alot of time game companys or even company's in general will say its HIGH QUALITY PVC, this can be truth yet lie, here is a example
My best buddies got me 2 Final Fantasy 7 PVC statues,costing $200 EACH, one of Vincent and one of Shepy *can't spell full name :/*
Vincent's fingers *all* on his class hand broke off when barely even touched after removing it from packaging,
Shepy's katana sword blade broke off at the hilt after having it for a few months.
Another example incase people say "well its not real HIGH QUALITY PVC cuz it was imported and shipping damaged it"
I bought myself a PVC statue that also claimed it was HIGHEST QUALITY PVC from ANIME EXPO, I checked it out before I bought it and everything was great quality, amazing really, unless I tried to take off the clothing (yes it was one of THOSE :wub: ) as soon as I removed the shirt, the arm broke off.
These were all import but I checked them all out and they broke within a month or sooner
So ask yourself this, will you be happy to just have a statue collecting dust or put proudly on your desk that COULD break after a few months?
Do you think spending $150 on BAISCLY this statue that COULD have a risk of breaking alot or even just a ALITTLE a risk to you and worth it?
You decide, for me I am sticking to the normal edition even tho I want that artbook, box,game and making of DVD but i will pass on a statue even tho i love them, no way in hell is it worth that much money, MAYBE if it was $120 but id rather buy it at $100 ONLY.
REALLY it is a 50/50 chance of breaking even a small part maybe i was very unlucky but still, I rather not risk it if I was you, but who knows it could be a sound infestment for something to collect dust, i saw this even tho I have a crap load of anime figures, i like them but i know most are not worth more than $20-40 n thats a mask price, hell one of them WAS $80 but got the price down to $40 n the hair is coming off and colour is fading