Please Bethesda, do not lock this thread this time because the game is about to release in a few Hours anyways.
My other Thread was about the Antialiasing Method you use in Fallout 4 on the Consoles.. so here the issue: Temporal Antialiasing is one of the least GPU hungry Methods to remove jaggies in a game, but this method does have a large negative downside to it, it causes an artifact called "Ghosting", which is especially noticeable on lower framerates, and since Fallout 4 is locked to 30 fps on consoles, it's even worse. Here a copy+paste from a Crysis 3 anolysis about Graphics "Switching to 2Tx SMAA helps address these problems to a certain extent, further smoothing out jagged outlines, especially on foliage. Unfortunately, using this level of SMAA can result in an oddity that is more noticeable at lower framerates: moving foliage, like waving grass, can leave ghostly trails. This is captured in the screenshots above, where you can see that the moving grass at the bottom left of the screen has double outlines.
Upping the SMAA to 4x improves aliasing once again, most noticeable in our screenshots by looking at the railings at the right just above the gun, and the bush just to the left of center. Once again, you may notice ghosted outlines from moving foliage at lower framerates with this level of SMAA." This is the exact same problem, because of Temporal Antialiasing. The same problem was occuring in Project Cars on the Consoles, but the developers were kind enough to patch in a Slider for Temporal Antialiasing. here i beg you to do the same in Fallout 4, patch in a Slider or just a Toggle to disable/enable Temporal Antialiasing for those who dislike that side effect, like i do. And if possible, perhaps add a FoV Slider aswell because it's a little too narrow. Even Gearbox did this to the Borderlands 2 + The Pre Sequel Handsome Collection on Consoles, and it didn't had a impact at all on performance as far as i can see.
Sincerely, Catherine a big Fallout Fan.