I played a female Breton mage once and incorporated her small size into my roleplay - I even moved the weight sliders a good bit to the left to make her skinny and even less physically imposing. If anyone thought she was a pushover because she was a scrawny little thing, they quickly found out they'd made their very last mistake when she started conjuring pets and cast her Bound Bow.
I like the race heights. I like playing smaller females and my Breton forsworn size often had people mistake her for a push over. bad mistake.
of course if your on the PC you can adjust the height of your character. When I play male characters I usually set them almost a head taller then everyone else.
I like the race heights too. I've also played an Altmer mage, and of course she towered over everyone else except other Altmer. I also beefed her up a bit with the weight sliders, just enough to make her voluptuous. I use the Interesting NPCs mod and married her to the Altmer mage (Rumarin) that mod adds, and sent them all over Skyrim as a husband and wife adventuring team.
I feel the same. My Breton female looks like she's about sixteen at the latest. Though, as others have said, it has given me the satisfaction of watching her show what happens when people underestimates her.
But yeah, I agree. I thought it was the Bosmers that were supposed to be the tiny ones, not the Bretons. That said, she's only a few inches shorter than a male Nord (as in her eye level would be at Hadvar's chin), so it doesn't bother me that much.
Yes, female Bretons and Khajiit are the shortest in the game at 0.95. They were the same height in Oblivion too. Interestingly enough, they are actually a tiny bit taller than they were in Morrwind.
I know how it feels standing next to a Nord, it amused me, but 1.6 m is a completely normal height for an advlt woman. (assuming cm is a typo. If it's not, then... that's not a normal height for a child.
I think Bretons are fine, it's the Bosmer height that got messed up in Skyrim. Their men should be the shortest. I think the devs just can't make up their minds... In ESO Breton males are actually a bit taller than Redguards and Argonians. Bosmer are midgets again though, so that's nice.