About the gamejam video content.

Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:58 am

Yes, this is an old subject. Yes, it's STILL relevant. Skyrim isn't dead yet and won't be for a while. :stare:

Am I being a pest or sounding like a kid who didn't get what he asked for? Maybe, but if this isn't going to be in a future DLC [because there won't be any other dlcs... right?], then why not in a free package? Why not just give the source files to the modding community so they can improve Skyrim even more, LIKE THEY HAVE BEEN DOING TO ALL TES GAMES? Just look at Morrowind, it has been enhanced way beyond what it was supposed to be, and people still play it and buy it to this day, me included.

Think, what would happen if Bethesda went the extra mile to show more support to the modders and release those files? And maybe a few guidelines?

Let's extend a bit more on the guidelines part.

Polearms [not gonna call them spears now. Just to avoid confusion.] Creating a complete new type of weapon setting for the game. Like the crossbows are a second option in marksman, like the daggers are a fourth option in one-handed. This could even lead to fully functional throwing weapons -without the need of extra programs or dlls-. This means more noob-friendly content. Either way, it'd be a fourth option for two-handed combat - and that would almost make things even. [Before anyone talks about the spear mods available, yes, they look like spears, no, they don't behave like polearms. and neither the combat staves/quarterstaves. And neither work like javelins either - besides the ONE mod about throwing weapons.]

Verlet surface/physics. No one was able to fully crack open the Harkon cape yet. There have been mods that make the item playable and fitting to playable races, but of course that's not enough, it's just a single cape. What about robes like Nocturnal's and Azura's or even the archmage's and the ones from the Dark Brotherhood? What about dresses? What about accessories on weapons? What about all the hanging cloth and banners scattered around the hold? Also, the wispmother could end up getting a revamp from that.

Giant mudcrab - it's a boss fight of sorts, unique by itself. If it has multiple stages, people could learn from it and do new, interesting events and battles.

AND THE LIST GOES ON. I'm just saying, release that material instead of locking it up and letting it be forgotten to time. Because it won't. There's stuff in that list that has been requested since oblivion, it's mean to even hint at it and just take it away.

Anyway, that's it. The note is given, i seriously hope Bethesda sees this since this is the OFFICIAL FORUM, and i'm hoping for a positive answer. OR ANY ANSWER, it's better than being left hanging, like half of the gamejam content.

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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:25 am

Not to burst your bubble, but that makes no sense. "If they aren't going to charge money for it, and thus make a profit, then why won't they just do it for free?" Well, because if they do it for free, they make even less money than if they charged for it, and it's even less worth it...

Drop it. We got most of the gamejam content, and frankly I love what we did get. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and hold a grudge simply because we didn't get everything.

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:12 am

I've seen major game developers do things they said they wouldn't do for years, but the fans put enough pressure on the team and convinced them there was a financial reason to do it. It is never sensible to "just drop it," so long as he/she maintains civility. It should be open for discussion.

Besides, I think he was asking Bethesda to release the content that was created for game jam as is, if it's not fully developed. "Research materials." Discussion isn't illegal, and in this case, isn't offensive. Plus, I'd like to see more of that stuff, too :D

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:34 pm

Uh, because the better a game gets, the more it sells and keeps selling?

And seems like @Tehol here got what i meant by free package. Putting this as free dlc for the consoles could be disastrous, as there's a good chance it's not fully developed. The materials should be handed to the community so they can improve the game even more. That's what i think.

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:59 pm

"Better" is a rather objective thing though. What if the team simply got bored and wanted to move on? Remember that the developers are people with feelings too, they aren't robots programmed to produce content for you to experience. They make stuff that they enjoy making, and if you think you'll like it enough, you buy it from them.

Don't take them for granted, they've already gone against 'the norm' and introduced so much free content post launch. Not something you see many companies do at all. Don't take it for granted, get greedy and demand more.

They've said they're done with the game, accept it. :/

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:27 am

Hey, Alex, i'm not asking them to just make more material. I'm asking for them to let the community do what it does, but with more raw material.

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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:28 pm

Some of this stuff, if released as-is, would probably cause the game to turn into a literal slide show at best, and not run at all at worst. One has to keep in mind that in order for some of this Game Jam stuff to work, they may have been using tweaked versions of the Creation Engine in order to develop and show off some stuff like the footprints (unless they happened to use the same workaround as jonwd7 did), flow-based water shaders and seasonal foliage (especially this one). If that was the case, that means that it would have literally been impossible to add some of this content without porting the game to a new engine build and having people download a whole new version of the game, because to my knowledge, I don't think you can patch a game engine the way you can patch a game.

However, that being said, I hope that some of this stuff like seasonal foliage makes it into TES VI, especially if they go to High Rock next. Seasons were present in High Rock in Daggerfall, and I think that there would be disappointment abound if they depict High Rock without dynamic seasons.

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:54 pm

As much as I'm sure we'd all like to see it, it's highly unlikely to happen. Bethesda has moved on, and sadly it looks like we're not even going to get a final "fix the bugs" patch to clear up the lip sync issue either.

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:48 pm

Release it in the same way the Creation Kit is released: not to general users, but easily accessible. As the OP said, some of these things would be valuable resources to modders, even incomplete. They have the files stored somewhere, and perhaps some of those things were concept pieces for the next iteration of TES, but still, it would be awesome to release them to the Skyrim modding community.

True. But I still like to think about such things; it may even inspire some wayward modder to attempt some of these things, without gamesas's help. *shrug* The point is, no harm done just conversing, right?

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:29 pm

But most of the remaining gamejam stuff would require alteration of the game engine itself, and I don't think a AAA game company is about to let us do that, or give us their source code or anything. (Yes other's have done it I'm sure, yes it's possible, yes it's a whole other argument, no we won't be having that argument now :tongue:)

- My point is that is isn't as simple as a dev going, "Oh okay we should do that, *click*." There's a lot more involved, and this topic has been done to death. That's all.

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:54 pm

I think most of the content will only carry on as ideas. By the time TESVI is released, it'll be on the next generations of hardware. Things can be very different, and hopefully, for the better. Maybe a completely new engine. I'm just throwing stuff now, tho. The only sure thing is that the next numbered Elder Scrolls game will likely take a while to be released.

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:56 pm

Here's one reason they might do this: It's damn good PR. They do this, and they're saint-like in the media's eyes. And it's the kind of publicity they've been gobbling up with the release of Skyrim.

That said, I agree with you and Arthmoor that it doesn't seem terribly likely at this point. The Bethesda Softworks engine has moved on to greener (or maybe just newer) pastures, and I doubt much of the awesome stuff they showed off in the Gamejam video was actually ready to just be popped into the game as-is.

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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:21 pm

Check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfud2MPJjr0 out.

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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri Aug 09, 2013 9:47 pm

I would love to see those as a modders resource but its simply not gonna happen those are the new features even though as a resource but still new and they just cant release it on PC for free or for a charge console players will complain about it and they are right to complain

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