I don't have half a care regarding a map, but it's painful to watch a foolish ignorant on a forum pretend that they know something about law. Law is made to be as un-ambiguous as possible, and the law regarding sales incentives is very clear. A million dollar team of lawyers can't turn an un-delivered and promised sales incentive into a delivered one. Bethesda said all preorders would received the burlap map, afaik, and all a claimant would need is one instance of them saying so for their proof. And there are a dozen lawyers willing to take any case that you're offering to pay for... not that you need a lawyer.
It's obviously you that doesn't understand law, or you've watched too many TV shows and think you do.
For a case to stand up in court you have to prove that you have made a loss due to Beth's mistakes. This is usually financial. Nobody has lost out by receiving a map printed on different paper, especially when nobody said that everybody who pre-ordered would get one, it was the first production run.
You can't say that you would have bought it from somewhere else should you have known about the map you had just received, as the item has no monetary value. It isn't sold on it's own anywhere and people pay the same for the game regardless of the type of map provided. Nobody advertised saying "We have the textured map and no gloss ones" as a reason for charging more than anywhere else, so you couldn't prove that you lost out.