I wondering when was thinked the lore of the game (and in th specific in daggerfall) how and (in the case) from which member of the team was get this informations, because i'm wondering if that was a figure that could bring support in this type of things -also in the videogame - and in the specific in tes.
Then, in general, who was the man that bring this kind of "raw" details for the development of a game ?
Also for the game terminator , for me, bring the right feel if i could be (i hope not!) in that type of ambience
just wondering (maybe for a work, or an application of knowlodge)

(thank you bethesda i have enjoyed very much

the experience of myth and the lore (not the religion), for me, is, in general, quite disappeard in the reality, in every day...i'll ask to me "how can i live this things, today, and where" "how can i take experience to the root of this things, not the surface of the rimanence of today, that it could be sterile without possibility of immagination, fantasies, like dead, in the sense , without transformation in other that could bring me benefict to life"...Daggerfall was for me, like a virtual experience and possibility to take "experience" of this things forgotten - in the major -, where in that time there isn't any other place or source to catch theme (catch theme all).
Things that today is impossibile to ... think... like "talk with dead", but in the past was, and was important for some, with significance...just thinking , only a personal thought.