Here's my understanding of how resources work in settlements linked by a supply line.
Settlement A: 15 settlers, 9 water
Settlement B: 15 settlers, 15 water
Settlement C: 15 settlers, 30 water
When I go to withdraw water from Settlement C it should have 9 water, because its own inhabitants are using 15 and six are going into the supply chain to make up the shortfall in Settlement A. So 30 -15 - 6 = 9 surplus.
Assuming I'm correct here's my question: none of my settlements have a water deficit. The lowest one produces three more water than it has settlers, so if the system works as advertised there's no reason that any purified water should be leaving the place where it's manufactured. And yet when I go to some of my settlements they either have no surplus or a very small one. In fact the only appreciable surplus I see is from my big hitters where I've got 9 industrial purifiers each.
Does anyone know why this is?