I also disagree on the stance about Senche being like horses without the endurance... Even the standard Senche is about twice as long, and much stronger than a standard horse. They have the strength you could expect from a 16' tall Fantasy Giant. Senche-Raht have the strength of a 32' tall Giant. Other advantages they have over cavalry:
I agree that they have definite advantages over cavalry, but I'm not sure how many of them an army could realistically field. Out of maybe a dozen Khajiit races, and then not every single one would be properly trained for combat, they would be a rather elite force. Especially considering the logistics of feeding such Khajiit

Also, everyone has one of twelve mystical augmentations depending on their time of birth... most may not notice them/know how to use them (Especially commoners), but you can bet any well-regulated military would instruct soldiers in the use of the power of their birthsigns. And people wouldn't be segregated based on when they were born. So, there is a 1-in-12 chance any given soldier can turn invisible once per day. Another 1-in-12 chance of being notably above-average in combat ability. Another 1-in-12 are ridiculously lucky at avoiding hits. 1-in-12 would also svck up about half the spells cast at them. 1 in 12 would be faster than the others. 1 in 12 will refuse to die unless you kill them with fire. And so on.
While I usually don't like using birthsigns in RPs, I think the possibility of Atronarch troops against mages would be an awesome scenario. So long as it's kept within reason (only once a day, and not too powerful) I would definitely like to see birthsigns in the timeline

I think a lot of people refuse to admit Tamriel, where three out of ten races have explicit strong Magical Aptitude, and only 1 is outright incompetent, actually has magic. I don't see Tamriel as either WoW's cartoonish fantasy or Medieval Europe's magic-free world. I see it as it's presented in the games. Particularly [i}Daggerfall[/i] and Oblivion (If you base it on the world of Morrowind, there is no excuse for saying "Magic is rare and thus not used in warfare)
I don't mean to say that there would be no mages, just that an ordinary army (not Altmer, basically) would only have about one in maybe two dozen with any magical ability, and then maybe one in a hundred with enough to be a threat. So in a 10,000 man army, maybe about a hundred real mages. I think that battlemages would be more made up of people with less magical ability, that compensate with more martial skill, while the powerful mages are kept in the back. So battlemages are, on average, mediocre spellcasters, while the real mages are used for ranged stuff and buffs.
I really should look at the forums more...
Ah well...
Magic battle for my mind:
1. The battle starts, magic shields are set up over the soldiers.
2. The shields are being battered by the magicians of both sides.
3. One sides shields crumble and the one who still have their shields up can either try to attack the enemy magicians or destroy the enemy army.
4a. The enemy army is attacked in all sorts of ways by the mages.
4b. The enemies mages are being attacked in all sorts of ways by the mages.
5a. The enemy army routs with great losses.
5b. The enemy mages are under heavy attack and get heavily decimated. The enemy army flees, with lighter casualties than with alternative A but with big losses on their mages.
A battle like this would propably be very crushing for one side and the enemy army would have to restore their strength for quite some while before being ready for combat again.
Eh, I just don't see that as happening. I don't see huge magic shields as being very energy efficient, and even if they were used I don't think they would be as crucial as you make them sound. Your idea reminds me of the Gungan shields in Star Wars, where once it fell they were pretty much dead, which I always thought was lame.
I much prefer the idea of using serious mages as artillery type attackers, with the semi-mages as using small destructive spells like javelins, right before the actual infantry battle. Or, using their small magical abilities to buff with some personal shields or healing, and perhaps the serious mages for big buffs like rally or (on the enemy) demoralize. I can see Nords using fury spells before battle and whatnot

The biggest problem with the shield idea is that such a spell, protecting against all magical attacks, would be very difficult to maintain, even by a team of mages. Especially if you are also trying to break the enemy's shield. And even then, if I knew I had fewer mages I would just send my infantry in while the mages are busy, which kind of makes the mages pointless...
In this case, I submit the infallible argument of BATW :laugh:
Shields take too much power... it's easier to distribute the resources rather evenly throughout the battlefield. And, it's not just magic added to Peasants with Sticks and knights on horses for Tamriel's warfare... There are a large number of warbeasts (Khajiit have super-soldier Warbeasts, and others may indenture a Land Dreugh, Choice of Daedroth, Dragons(Imperial Legion Only) or other megacritters) and auxiliary cannon-fodder deployed with care (Goblins, Minotaurs, Ogres, Dreugh, etc.)
There's a nice canon example of Naval Warfare in the intro to Redguard, utilizing mages, assassins, and a Dragon.
I think there was a reason we never saw tigers on the battlefield. There's just no way to collect enough land dreughs and train them well enough not to attack your men. It just seems like an inefficient use of resources. Summoning would be much easier, I think, or using domesticated animals, like the historical use of war-dogs. And though they were used the past, dragons have been extinct on Tamriel for a while. Sorry :shrug: