Absolute Must-Have Mods

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:31 am

Alright, so Fallout 4 has seemingly regressed in many areas, and at this stage I see nothing more than a massive hiking-sim. That said, mods could feasibly turn this game into something good. While some people will disagree with my assessment of Fallout 4, I'm certain everyone has a couple mods in mind that they consider "must-haves". Here's what mods I think need to be made:

No Voiced PC and Fully Written Dialogue Options

  • I don't think anyone asked for this. It is pretty evident that the dialogue options lack variety and are poorly written. I wouldn't be the first to blame this on the voiced PC, and I don't think a mod fixing this will make dialogue any better, but at least its a step in the right direction. Not to mention the "sketches" we get describing the dialogue options are an atrocity. It creates an obvious disconnect between how we envision our character speaking and how they actually speak.

Bring Back DT

  • Look, does it make sense that a full set of power armor will block 8 damage from a pistol but 800 damage from a rocket? No, it doesn't. In addition to being more sensible, DT generally provides a better early game and endgame, since early on well-equipped enemies will block almost all your damage but you don't become a living fortress once you hit the higher levels.

Realism Mod (a la Arwen's)

  • Fallout 3 and New Vegas suffered from the fact that (1) you gained health on level up, (2) you could spam stimpacks during combat, and (3) there was no recovery time after being shot in the head twice. This led to a complete lack of difficulty unless you tried to fight Deathclaws at level one. I don't think Fallout 4 will address this issue so a mod will have to.

Better Perks

  • Let's face it. Bethesda has never once made a single interesting perk, and I doubt that will change for Fallout 4. Not in all of Fallout 3 or Skyrim. For the most part, perks did the exact same thing that was achieved by increasing your skills or stats, and this is bad game design that should be fixed.

More and Better Dialogue Options

  • It would be a monumental task, but without well-written and varied dialogue, no amount of mods or gameplay improvements will turn Fallout 4 into a good game. If someone could implement genuine dialogue trees (since there's no way in hell that Bethesda has done that) I would be glad to pay for such a mod. Not only would that add more depth to character development but it could open up more quest solutions, and with Bethesda's current approach to "RPGs", I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even offer the possibility of a non-combatant playthrough.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:21 pm

Already several threads like this....

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liz barnes
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 12:39 am

"it is pretty evident that the dialogue options lack variety and are poorly written. I wouldn't be the first to blame this on the voiced PC, and I don't think a mod fixing this will make dialogue any better, but at least its a step in the right direction."

It's a bit early to assume this. Don't get me wrong, I want this exact same mod, but jumping the gun and assuming the dialogue options are poorly written is just asking for an argument to start. Lack of variety? That I can get behind, only because there's only so much voice acting someone can possibly do that it DOES limit the amount of dialogue options, but let's not assume it's going to be poorly written until we see more.

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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:36 am

a put-the-3rd-person-player-back-to-the-middle-of-the-screen mod.

if that's not a game option anyway :-)

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Robert Garcia
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