If you had absolute power over the law, whats the first thing you would make illegal?
suspend democracy for a second, your will is law:- so what you would prohibit?
Would outlaw Lawyers and make it judge jury and executioner getting sick and tired of court cases taking 3 to 4 years to get done. Lawyers argue back and forth who's right and who's wrong then a decision is made, the party doesn't agree with it repealing the decision, the party that was harmed doesn't agree with that repeals the repeal, and it seems to never stop. Eliminating lawyers would make it so alot more money goes back into the system instead of staying in their pockets.
Other than that if I couldn't outlaw lawyers I would make it illegal for law firms to advertise themselves on TV saying clients have the right to sue because of X happening with Y drug. That's one thing that ticks me off as well is the law firms hosting these commercials for joint lawsuits when you know very well those people won't receive squat of that money. The law firm takes like 75% of the earnings for court case proceedings, lawyer fees, etc... and the clients are left with very little that they have to pay in taxes.