Thanks Madoc, since I don't want to make a new thread I'll ask on this one. What's the difference between "fine" and non "fine" swords. A fine steel shortsword costs like 93 gold and a regular steel shortsword costs only 40. What's up with that?
'Fine' weapons have just a little more weight*, durability, damage and cost than their 'normal' counterparts. The damage difference is small enough that you may not really see it until your blade skill gets up fairly high. Oh, and the 'fine' weapons also look a little snazzier.
Back to absorb magicka, my favorite use of it was as one of several components enchanted onto the melee weapon of an atronach battlemage. Just a little helper to keep topped up with blue juice.
*Edit: Oops. The fine ones actually have less weight, not more. :blush: Thanks for the 'right stuff' from Vyper and Pseron below. :foodndrink: