Where is it written that teleportation is instantaneous? Why couldn't teleportation just as easily require some time to accomplish?
Heh heh....okay you asked for it...
ACTIVATE!This is from The Fantasy Trip's "Advanced Wizard" handbook, circa 1982. TFT was similar to D&D, but had a better (more realisitic) attributes system. TFT went out of business by the time I was finishing high school, sadly.
Instantly "blinks" wizard to another hex. He may choose any facing he likes in the new hex. He does not have to be able to see the hex he is going to, but if he comes out in a hex with a solid object, he dies - and so does the object, if it was alive. * Illusions count as solid; images disappear.
There was also a "long distance" teleport spell, also instantaneous, available to IQ 18 wizrds. (IQ 18 spells are as high as it goes in this game). LDT could take the wizard from town to town, et cetra.
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Now, this description is from the Advanced D&D Players Handbook, circa 1978 (damn I'm old

TELEPORT (alteration)
Level: 5
Range: Touch or Self
InstantaneousArea of Effect: special
Explanation/description: When this spell is used, the magic-user
instantly transports himself or herself, along with a certain amount of aditional weight which is upon, or being touched by, the spell caster, to a well-known destination....
...bla bla bla...
Do I get my cookie, Wyrd?