acceptable rp fast travel theory

Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:12 pm

hi all, fisher here

so this is a new theory i just worked out for fast travelling,

now i know as a RP fast travelling is a big no-no, and you know what? 90 % i have to agree, i love wandering through thw woods picking up plants :)

but now, well i just cant be asked to run back to skingrad AGAIN

so i came up with this basic but clever theory....

so you go to whoever will ( you have to pretend) does carriage tavelling services....

you bribe them lots of money ( more for longer trip)

then you fast travel, pretending you went in a carriage there!

genius! or idiotic?

please post!!

cc. fisher n' errol
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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:54 pm

How do you explain the traveling service if you have a horse? Well, I suppose you can just bribe someone to pay the stable fees :P
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anna ley
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:42 am

Fast Travel does not teleport you, it just means you have ridden to where you are going
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:29 pm

Fast Travel does not teleport you, it just means you have ridden to where you are going

I agree with this. I always imagined it that I was doing all that riding, just behind a load screen instead.

@Flower: I do agree I enjoy the exploration. But when you've filled almost the whole map with all the locations in Oblivion, sometimes fast traveling is just easier instead of passing Dunburrow Cavern and Catacombs of the Lost. [made some names up] If I am trying to get to Willow Ward and it's close to Dunburrow Cavern, I rather fast travel to Dunburrow Cavern and walk the 4 miles to Willow Ward. You can only explore the same stone for a while then it becomes tedious.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:23 am

As the owner of a 1.5k hour play-through with a grand total of ZERO fast-travels (discounting those forced fast-travels associated with one phase of the Fighters Guild quest-line), my stance on matter should be obvious. But that's just me. I have absolutely no issue with those who prefer a different solution. It's all good if you enjoy it.

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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:57 pm

As the owner of a 1.5k hour play-through with a grand total of ZERO fast-travels (discounting those forced fast-travels associated with one phase of the Fighters Guild quest-line), my stance on matter should be obvious. But that's just me. I have absolutely no issue with those who prefer a different solution. It's all good if you enjoy it.


Agree to this. I don′t use fast travel because it bores me. For me it′s like if I don′t want the experience of Cyrodiil, i.e walking around and taking it all in, then I don′t have a reason for playing at all. I would only feel stressed out if I used fast travel all the time. But as Decrepit said, that′s just me ;)
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sam westover
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:20 pm

As the owner of a 1.5k hour play-through with a grand total of ZERO fast-travels (discounting those forced fast-travels associated with one phase of the Fighters Guild quest-line), my stance on matter should be obvious. But that's just me. I have absolutely no issue with those who prefer a different solution. It's all good if you enjoy it.


This :)

Of course it is acceptable if that is the way you want to play your game.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:09 am

I do use fast travel a bit... but only in ONE case :

Whenever I have so much loot, I cannot pickup anything at all, I allow myself a quick teleport back to my shack, empty my pockets, and teleport back where I was.
all other teleports are a big NONO!

so when done in a dungeon.. I still have to WALK to my next destenation...
(just imagine having to walk from the imperial city to a far end of the map destenation and to have to make 5 back and forth trips to ditch the loot... just to tedious)

perhaps I'll mod a "taxi service" like morrowind has... it was better balanced that fast travel.
or a teleport spell, or a floating house that telports (but is insanely expensive and only to get very LATE in game) anything like that..
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:51 am

I think your theory is just fine and that there are loads of ways to view or use or not use fast travel.

Your theory is along the lines of trying to incorporate a travel system into the game. This could range from hiring a horse or carriage or even ship travel between water connected cities. It could include such things as mage teleport devices from guild to guild or whatever your imagination desires.

Another theory is the one I generally ascribe to and that is that fast travel is simply an administrative function like saving or loading the game. It simulates an uneventful trip that your character walked or rode that, for whatever reason, you chose to simply imagine that it happened. No drama. My character loves traveling almost everywhere on her mare, but there are those odd occasions when we simply simulate the trip and ya know what? It doesn't hurt a thing for us.

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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:55 am

Fast Travel does not teleport you, it just means you have ridden to where you are going

This is true, although I would add the words "or ran" next to the word "ridden". If you look at the time stamps, quite a bit of time goes by while fast travelling. If you FT from the Imperial City to the Waterfront, for instance, I think an hour passes. something like that. Traditional teleport, on the hand, is instantaneous.

I guess any excuse can be made for fast travel, if one is roleplaying it somehow, so I voted "yes" for your poll flowerboom. :wink_smile: I never ever fast travel, except for around the IC sometimes. With my current character Eradi~Kate, who is a vampire, I have finally made an exception to this. In my ancient D&D manual, it says vamps can turn into bats. So I'm RPing it that Kate can turn into a bat, and fly to various locations if she needs to, HOWEVER, the catch is she cannot be wearing any clothes, armor, or weapons while doing this. She can only carry the lightest and smallest of items (lockpicks or a poison apple, for instance).

she's only used this power a couple times so far. The rest of the time, it's just walking/running/riding horses just like usual.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:25 am

I think it's a good theory (there's actually a mod that does something similar). My theory has always been that "fast traveling" is like a cutscene in a film or TV show: A character (or two or three, whatever number) decides to go somewhere, the camera fades out, then fades back in and the character (or characters) arrive at the chosen destination.
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Timara White
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:10 pm

Btw : what is the scientiffic commend on "vampires cannot withstand sunlight"
*Moonlight and starlight IS sunlight as well (moonlight is reflected sunlight) any radiation in the suns light should harm them in moonlight as well!
*even if vampires have a reduced resistance to "some" form of radiotion present in fission (like in stars/suns) and not in normal combustion-light or electric light.. it should be possible to make a devive that mimics that specciffc type of radiation in a concentrated amound making effectively a device that would instantly kill any vampire (a shield of light around you preventin them from ever attacking you)

*feeding on blood gives no nutriens that can be taken otherwise.. but well lets presume the blood does not go to vampires stomach.. but replaces their own blood.
say theirs a virus that eats away your red-bloodcells in a rate that forces them to get fresh blood reguilair to replace their own (would also explain why they would be so pale, and we can say the virus grows faster in the suns radiation... (so in fact vampires do NOT like moonlight either but it harms them less than the sun will, kinda like would you rather go out in a desert of 200 celcius hot or one at 60 celcius hot..
both not very good for you, but one is even worse

*The ability to methamorph presumes one genes are not stable anymore... dna markers will be put on/off under the influence of certain proteines.. would explain transmorfic ability's and it ISS possible a certain virus does this.
however this proces can not be instant. it would take time for your new dna code to change your body into the new shape..

*The only case where one could change shape in an instant would be if one happens to be a being from the fourth dimention, an energy being (that can take solid shape) or anything like that... given that the virus can only transform you in ONE thing, one could say it's a fourth dimention virus.. (effectively when telemorphing, you should disapear shortly (being drawn in between realms by the virus) and reapear than in your new shape.

This said : they would only laugh if you tried to use crosses, holy water, garlic or anything like it on them.

But back on fast travel :

I'd love indeed a carriage system, mageportals, ship transport. but for all that kind of services count :
*You need to ACTIVATE a destenation to be able to get there. (so you should NEVER be able to visit a place by teleport you did not visit before
*never ever theire may be a direct connection between 2 points, traveling often needs a lot of different transport routes together
*every trip costs gold, as any taxy service needs to be paid, this to disencourage overuseasege
*never in a lifetime any transport system would include EVERY destination in the game, instead you would only have like 20 places you could transport to, the final distance you still have to walk.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:45 pm

Btw : what is the scientiffic commend on "vampires cannot withstand sunlight"
*Moonlight and starlight IS sunlight as well (moonlight is reflected sunlight) any radiation in the suns light should harm them in moonlight as well!

Moonlight is reflected sunlight, as you have noted. Starlight does not actually provide very much light once it gets to us on Earth (or Nirn for that matter). On a moonless night, for instnace, the world is still quite a dark place, no matter how bright those stars are. They're just way too far away.

Most of the harmful radiation from the sun is not going to make it to Earth/Nirn as it's reflected off the moon, and any that does would be way too weak by the time it got to the planet and gets damaged by the atmosphere. I have a relative who used to work in the space industry (satellites) i'm thinking if I ask him some questions, he could explain it better than I can.

Plus, moonlight has always been traditionally a "negative" form of light, so far as rituals and ancient religions go. The story of the vampire therefore fits in with all of this. A lot of rituals were only performed during the full moon or whatever.

*even if vampires have a reduced resistance to "some" form of radiotion present in fission (like in stars/suns) and not in normal combustion-light or electric light.. it should be possible to make a devive that mimics that specciffc type of radiation in a concentrated amound making effectively a device that would instantly kill any vampire (a shield of light around you preventin them from ever attacking you)

I agree. In D&D, I believe there actually were a variety of spells and items which could damage a vamp's health, while not affecting the health of other NPCs or creatures, we just don't have them in Oblivion.

*feeding on blood gives no nutriens that can be taken otherwise.. but well lets presume the blood does not go to vampires stomach.. but replaces their own blood.
say theirs a virus that eats away your red-bloodcells in a rate that forces them to get fresh blood reguilair to replace their own (would also explain why they would be so pale, and we can say the virus grows faster in the suns radiation... (so in fact vampires do NOT like moonlight either but it harms them less than the sun will, kinda like would you rather go out in a desert of 200 celcius hot or one at 60 celcius hot..
both not very good for you, but one is even worse

Right, but we're talking about what is traditionally noted as a supernatural undead creature that exists on a "negative" plane of reality as well as on a normal Earthen one. Although it can be argued vamps in Oblivion aren't truely undead, I would still assert they are supernatural in this game. The drinking of blood is necessary for many different reasons (TES differs from Anne Rice or Hollywood here).

I don't recall them needing to do so because of a virus in any traditional lore, though. I don't know...I'm not up on my Anne Rice as much as I should be. :shrug: She actually researches traditional vampire lore for her books. In TES, vampirism is merely a "disease", and the vamp does not actually have to drink blood if they don't want to. But I still like to think the vamp actually goes thru a sort of "death" when he or she fully gets affected by porphyric hemophilia.

*The ability to methamorph presumes one genes are not stable anymore... dna markers will be put on/off under the influence of certain proteines.. would explain transmorfic ability's and it ISS possible a certain virus does this.
however this proces can not be instant. it would take time for your new dna code to change your body into the new shape..

*The only case where one could change shape in an instant would be if one happens to be a being from the fourth dimention, an energy being (that can take solid shape) or anything like that... given that the virus can only transform you in ONE thing, one could say it's a fourth dimention virus.. (effectively when telemorphing, you should disapear shortly (being drawn in between realms by the virus) and reapear than in your new shape.

There ya go> remember that stuff I just said about vamps existing on two planes of reality? It's like you've answered your own question here. :)

This said : they would only laugh if you tried to use crosses, holy water, garlic or anything like it on them.

I'm not remembering how Anne Rice does it, but I'm pretty sure all of this stuff doesn't affect vamps the way it does in traditional Hollywood. In D&D, garlic and crosses only slows the vamp down, but they can eventually ignore such items. Holy water does a modest amount of damage if I remember correct.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:59 am

thanks for the responces so far, really nice ^_^

dutch gamer - just one thing

your trying to empose science into a game....if a human scientist suddenly landed on nirn, i think they would die of shock,

for one, their are people with blue skin, walking and talking cats and lizards,

also, theirs magic, teleportation, a entire new history, ow and their is alien life ( oblivion) ,

and then theirs....

well basically, i really REALLY wouldnt try and exsplain the whole of oblivion with science, because it will never work :)

and theres a LOT more to life than science you know.... :wink_smile:
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:37 am

I don't understand the whole problem that people have with the fast travel map function. Fast travel is not teleportation. It's simply simulated road travel, with an appropriate amount of elapsed time for having walked (or ridden slowly, if you're on a horse) by way of the shortest road path.

Try this: Go to Vilverin, and note the time. Then Fast Travel to the IC Market District, and check the time again. Then compare that to the time it takes to simply swim over and walk up the hill. There's nothing "fast" about Fast Travel. :)

It's a "cinematic short cut," like the calendar pages flipping in an old movie. As Adacian says, "an uneventful trip that your character walked or rode that, for whatever reason, you chose to simply imagine that it happened."

Either use it or don't, but complaining about it being in the game is just silly.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 3:57 pm

I don't understand the whole problem that people have with the fast travel map function. Fast travel is not teleportation. It's simply simulated road travel, with an appropriate amount of elapsed time for having walked (or ridden slowly, if you're on a horse) by way of the shortest road path.

I tree'd ya, or ninja'd ya, or whatever. :) Yea, I agree, it's not teleportation, since time does indeed pass (lots of time) from point A to B.

I don't have a problem with other people using fast travel, personally; it's their game. But I always tell folks who FT all the time that they're missing out on half of what makes Oblivion great, since they're missing all the random encounters and hidden locations and stuff.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:06 pm

I tree'd ya, or ninja'd ya, or whatever. :) Yea, I agree, it's not teleportation, since time does indeed pass (lots of time) from point A to B.

I don't have a problem with other people using fast travel, personally; it's their game. But I always tell folks who FT all the time that they're missing out on half of what makes Oblivion great, since they're missing all the random encounters and hidden locations and stuff.

I will often use fast travel on the way back from someplace, especially if it's raining. :) I figure that the random encounters were all taken care of on the way in, and the corpses are going to start stinking by the time we're going back...

Magus McMagic (not his real name) is doing the rounds of mages guild halls, seeking recommendations to Arcane U. Having successfully completed his assignment at Skingrad, he walks to Bravil, stopping at the Imperial City on the way to sell some items he "found" on the road. He discovers that his assignment in Bravil has him walking all the way back to the IC, and then back to Bravil again. And it's raining, so you can see about ten feet in front of you.

Magus has no choice in the matter. He has to do the walking no matter what. But I, the godlike Player, don't have to watch him do it! It's a miracle -- if only Real Life were like this! :wink_smile:
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:07 am

I think if you want to roleplay that you slept the entire time on a ship or carriage during your uneventful trip, that is fine.

If you want to roleplay the existence of mage guild teleports, then you are free to ignore the minor impact of the time passage.

I guess I'm saying that I seem to be in the majority here in viewing it as simply simulating an uneventful trip, but I think it is a flexible tool that can be used in several ways limited by imagination.

I even used it at one point to simulate magically calling my horse from over great distance - I simply fast traveled to my current location and - whoosh - even though I barely moved, my horse was 'summoned' to my side.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:57 am

I use a lot of mods. No really... a lot. A good number of these are to do with realism, immersion and so on.

Not surprisingly, then, I am also not at all keen on "fast travel". In other words, I never use it. Never have, and never will, for that matter.

But I agree, of course, that not everyone should adopt (for example) my way of doing things. That would be silly. To each his or her own, as always. My very particular brand of "pure roleplaying" not only would not suit very many (if any) others, but it might not even make sense either... It is very strict, and frankly, more than a little idiosyncratic. I can see how my mod list and way of playing could be interpreted as masochistic, say, or perfectionist. Or worse...! But that is simply how I prefer the experience to be, regardless of how "strange" this might be, or at least appear.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:51 am

This is my RP fast-travel:

- Only once per day.

- Only while on horseback.

- Only to settlements, cities, stables, or player-owned homes.

- Only in daylight hours.

The once-per-day rule is in place to stop me from turning the feature into a crutch, while the rest is there specifically to allow for immersion to be maintained and, more specifically, to give horses a purpose. I also modify the time elapsed by several hours depending on how far I traveled.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:43 am

It simulates an uneventful trip that your character walked or rode that, for whatever reason, you chose to simply imagine that it happened. No drama.

I use fast travel pretty often and I see it basically as Acadian described.
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:40 pm

I've always regarded fast travel as just being the human player disconnecting from the in-game avatar for a while, just like waiting or sleeping. The only difference is that you re-connect at a different location. The travel isn't fast in game time, it's only skipped the real time that you'd normally have passed watching it happen.

I see RP as watching a movie of my character, not as being that character, so I don't mind if there are edits in the movie to skip the parts where nothing happened.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:49 pm

and you never installed a "realistic transport" mod?

*remove fast-travel from the game.

*add a carriage-service to each of the 7 big city's
(a carriage transport station will be added to the stables of every town)
it offers taxi-service to other towns, for a fee.

Imperial City is connected to Cheydinhal, Chorrel, Skingrad, Bravil, Bruma
Skingrad is connected to Imperial City, Kvatch, Bravil, Chorrel
Chorrel is connected to Bruma, Skingrad, Imperial City
Bruma is connected to Cheydinhal, Chorrel, Imperial City
Cheydinhal is connected to Bruma, Leyawiin, Imperial City
Bravil is connected to Leyawiin, Skingrad, Imperial city
Kvatch is connected to Anvil and Skingrad
Leyawiin is connect to Cheydinhal and Bravil
Anvil is only connected to Kvatch

There is only one carriage per connection, it is possible a NPC is currently using it in that case you will be asked to wait for it's return in the waiting hall.

Carriages will move fast, (4 times as fast as a normal horse would) but they still WILL follow the road.
-> if you own the most expensive house, you get a private carriage to transport you (with a butler that drives it for you)

Suplemental :
There will be a boat service that transports people on the water.
There will be only ONE boat for all 4 harbours giving this service
It will always vitit every harbor, wait a while and proceed.. it sails fast.. 8x faster than normal horses..
You have to pay per harbour (need to check in again after every stop and pay transport fee)
to prevent mistakes you will be showed the message : "The crew is currently getting refreshment, our next stop will be in (name city), we can take you along for x tibers"

A bed is aboard, you can use it during your trip for a small extra fee, however you can sleep no longer than the trip will take.. (you will be "tossed off the ship" if you are found to be sleeping while they dock in the new harbour)

It IS possible to "sneak aboard" for a free ride on the ship, however if you are discovered while on trip, you will be arrested and forced to
"pay 10 times the normal ticket fee to pay for your trip"
"go to jail" -> you will be placed in the ships haul-prison, and your belongings will NOT be removed, you still can escape and prevent an official arrest IF you manage to get out of the haul and steal the complain-papers from the captains office before docking. If you do not escape, you will be handed over to the cityguards at the next docking place.
"resist arrest" -> we all know what THAT does;)

It will alwys follow the following route :
move from Imperial City to Bravil
from bravil to leyawiin
from leyawiin to anvil
from anvil to leyawiin
from leyawiin to bravil
from bravil to imperial city

Finally a magic transport of a kind does also excist : some aylin ruins will have a magical transport device... you will need to unlock every location though (as you will find an ancient artifact that will act as it's "remote" and "location crystals" for each of the aylid ruins. to use the system you will need to
*have the remote in your inventory
*have a transport crystal of the aylin ruin you are standing now
*have a transport crystal of the aylin ruin you wish to go to
Magical transport works instantly and is the only "free" kind of transport

This combined DOES provide both the usefullness of "not having to walk" but without the game-ruiming effect of fast-travel.

any pluginn like this??? -> or will I need to make it myself;)
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:37 am

I don't recall them needing to do so because of a virus in any traditional lore, though. I don't know...I'm not up on my Anne Rice as much as I should be. :shrug: She actually researches traditional vampire lore for her books. In TES, vampirism is merely a "disease", and the vamp does not actually have to drink blood if they don't want to. But I still like to think the vamp actually goes thru a sort of "death" when he or she fully gets affected by porphyric hemophilia.

Vampires are true undead in TES. Porphyric Hemophilia kills the person infected with it, and they rise as a vampire. Read more about it or,_Chapter_I.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:40 pm

Vampires are true undead in TES. Porphyric Hemophilia kills the person infected with it, and they rise as a vampire. Read more about it or,_Chapter_I.

Oh wow, thanks. :thumbsup:
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