How is your Dark Elf supposed to be in the CS? Do you think there is an entry for every possible character in the CS? The 'player' NPC is indeed the player, the race, class etc you choose is adjusted by the engine in game. But you should not add something to the player entry, especially if all you want to do is add a weapon. Just place the weapon somewhere in the game world for the player to pick up or write a script that adds the weapon to the player.
Well the user in this youtube clip puts his custom weapon in the player inventory (for some reason, the name is bendu olo, I think thats the default name of the player having just searched his name on the net).
So what you're saying is you're not mean to simply add the custom item in the player inventory but to place it elsewhere in-game? If that is the case, please can you explain why one method is better than the other?