Sometimes I find it necessary to go to my desktop while in game. I'd rather "minimize" because its faster than having to exit and restart the game. and I used to be able to hit my windows key to do that on some older games. but I guess some people don't have the nimblest of fingers and end up hitting the wrong key and unintentionally going to the desktop. And I guess that's okay(although gaming keyboards now let you switch the windows key off) cause then I would just use CRLT+ALT+DET to get to the task manager in order to get to the desktop. but thats not working for crysis 2, any chance of re-enabling the windows key "trick" while the game is paused?
win7 pro 64-bit
ps: i've noticed that if i unplug and replug my mouse (G700) the the new hardware detected will get me to the desktop