Is there any way (mods are fine) to replace the carpenter's benches? I can't finish my cellar
Is there any way (mods are fine) to replace the carpenter's benches? I can't finish my cellar
Yes, I think you can, on the workbench that is outside the house.
The work benches can be added or removed as needed. As stated above, click on the workbench outside and have another one built.
Note some houses have more than one carpenter bench, so you may not get the one you are expecting the first time.
Hmmm, OK Someone actually suggested that before I posted. When I go to the table outside it only offers to remove existing tables. I'll look again tonight
If you look at the table it will give you a list of workbenches that can be removed. Click on the cellar one once then go check to see if its back. If not go back outside and click on it again then check again. If nothing happend both times then it might be a glich. Yet make sure you only click it once both times.