» Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:06 am
32 days since the Demo was released and they still haven't fixed the issue. Crytek owes everyone refunds, for I feel we've been robbed of our hard earned money. I didn't approve lending them my $59 so that they could earn interest on it! I paid for a product which is useless and I want a refund.
What upsets me most is the fact that Crytek hasn't owned up to their unprofessionalism, and pulled ALL PC versions off of ALL retail shelves. They are still collecting money on this, it's outright embezzlement! More often than not, embezzlement is performed in a manner that is premeditated, systematic and/or methodical, with the explicit intent to conceal the activities from other individuals, usually because it is being done without their knowledge or consent. They are continuing to recieve funds for a product that they knowingly doesn't work!
I'm presenlty writing my retailer an email suggesting they pull it off their website until this is fixed......if it ever will.... What's even worse, is that most retailers, will only refund you on a return that is unopend and still in it's plastic wrap. Once you've opened this to try to play it, you're screwed. Can't even return it........