If you stay still, grouch, aim with iron sights, meet weapon requirements and are healthy, equation:
(UnaimedPenalty + WalkingPenalty + RunningPenalty + StandingPenalty + ArmConditionPenalty + SkillReqPenalty + StrReqPenalty)
will be ZERO
No matter what result of equation:
SkillBonusMultiplier = 1.00 - Player Skill/100 * fWobbleToSkillConversion
will be, it will be multiplied by ZERO from previous equation and therefore equal also to ZERO.
Changing fWobbleToSkillConversion does not help.
You can have 0 skill and if you take some more precise weapon with no skill requirement like varmint rifle, you will be puling head shots across the map. There will be no penalty applied at all. Once you meet skill requirement, you are as accurate as weapon can be. Another example: hunting rifle 50 skill and 100 skill and no difference in accuracy.
That is ridiculous.