I learned I enjoyed indirect magic and I learned alot of new uses for the like (if anyone saw my list of uses for Become Ethereal you know what I mean.) So I decided that rather than become a battle mage I wanted to be a Stryder quickly and quietly traversing the land and reaping the benefits of my subtlety. So I joined the thieves guild and changed my ways, still a good guy at heart, and recieved a new skill set yet I had all of my remaining skill sets from earlier times to guide me.
This did a number of things;
1. Made it much easier to level up
2. Made the game very challenging all over again
3. Allowed me more quests and a sense of age and literal expirience within my character.
I very much like not haveing to stick to one thing because you stop leveling, the only thing that worries me is I have heard perks stop at level 50? anyone have any insight on that for me?