So While I was playing oblivion today, I was thinking: "It would be cool if there was an achievement for exploring all 101% of skyrim". Now of course, this would be for the xbox and the ps3 only (maybe the pc if they get achievements/awards). Once you discovered all of skyrim, you would get a mysterious note that would tell you to meet a person alone in the woods. Once you where there they would tell you that you have something awaiting for you in X location. Once you went to the location you would find a chest hidden somewhere in the area. You would have to look hard to find it , but once you gotten it; You could take one item out of the chest.
Either alot Money, or you could get set of items that fit a certain role, such as the Mage, Thief, and the Warrior.
(lets say your a thief and you use a dagger, light armor, agility and sneak most of the time, well if you chose the thief set, then in return you would get items that would benefit your "stealth" skills. If you choose warrior or mage, It would do the same thing, but give you more warrior/mage type items. This would use the radient Story to choose what you should get. These items would not be leveled and would only be attainable through this.)
Thoughts? This could be improved, so give me your suggestions and I will edit this.