So I have a feeling a lot of people might hate this, but I'm thinking of making a mod that basically keeps a record of various statistics that can be viewed in-game (a bit like those in Oblivion), and maybe even a bunch of achievements that the player can unlock by doing various things.
Here are some vague examples, just so you get the idea (I know some of these might be impossible but please don't comment on that for now):
ACHIEVEMENTSAtronach Attack Kill all 3 types of AtronachDaedric Roll Enter a Daedric shrineDweme On Enter a Dwemer ruinDIE-bunal Kill VivecHeartless Kill FargothLook Out Below Save TarhielNo Place Like Home Visit Balmora in a thunderstormSplat Don’t save TarhielTicket to Ride Ride a Silt Strider
STATISTICSCrimes committedHighest bountySkill totalAttribute totalBiggest distance fallenDistance travelledGames loaded1-Health recoveriesSouls trappedRepair hammers usedLockpicks usedNPCs killedTeleport spells castSilt Strider ridesBoat tripsLongest jumpMoon sugar consumedSkooma consumedAccuracy ratingLongest time without... getting a bountyLongest time without... sleepingLongest time without... getting hitLongest time without... killing an NPCLongest time spent... underwater
When you unlock an achievement a message box will pop up and it will play a sound.
A quest entry will be available in your journal, titled " * ACHIEVEMENTS * " with a list of all the ones you have found.
As far as I know this hasn't been done before, with the exception of
Just wanted to see what everyone thinks before I start some proper work on this?
- Danjb