"Achievements" just "free candy"?

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:08 pm

Some of the achievements in this game seems to really be meant for achievement collectors and not for actual milestones. I'm not talking about ones such as quests, I mean numbers ones. Such as all the combat ones. Deal 10,000 damage with things that go boom, bullets, lazar b33ms, fists or melee weapons. And healing 10,000 points with drugs or food. 10,000? What is that? Any fool can get 10,000 on a playthrough without even dedicating points into the skill. I got the one for unarmed and melee and explosives on my guns character, and he hasn't even reached level 20! (I only got melee because of OWB). I wish the achievements were 100,000. Not because I want to make people's lives miserable to those who want it, but when you get it you should be proud. If you get the one for unarmed, it shows you do like unarmed.

I take the word achievement literally, so...

Your opinions?
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Del Arte
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:37 pm

Some of the achievements in this game seems to really be meant for achievement collectors and not for actual milestones. I'm not talking about ones such as quests, I mean numbers ones. Such as all the combat ones. Deal 10,000 damage with things that go boom, bullets, lazar b33ms, fists or melee weapons. And healing 10,000 points with drugs or food. 10,000? What is that? Any fool can get 10,000 on a playthrough without even dedicating points into the skill. I got the one for unarmed and melee and explosives on my guns character, and he hasn't even reached level 20! (I only got melee because of OWB). I wish the achievements were 100,000. Not because I want to make people's lives miserable to those who want it, but when you get it you should be proud. If you get the one for unarmed, it shows you do like unarmed.

I take the word achievement literally, so...

Your opinions?
Well, achievements (on 360) are worth different values. So if they were to put the 100,000 points of damage with a type of weapon, that would be worth like 30G.
An achievement like [made up] kill 50 enemies would be worth 5G.
And yes, those damage achievements are pretty easy to get, I got five of them in one playthrough, 3 of them before level 25.
I only feel like I achieved something good when I get a 30G Achievement or more. Especially that 100G "hardcoe" Achievement I got. I felt good when I got that one.
And getting 10,000 damage with weapons is a milestone.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:21 am

Some of the achievements in this game seems to really be meant for achievement collectors and not for actual milestones. I'm not talking about ones such as quests, I mean numbers ones. Such as all the combat ones. Deal 10,000 damage with things that go boom, bullets, lazar b33ms, fists or melee weapons. And healing 10,000 points with drugs or food. 10,000? What is that? Any fool can get 10,000 on a playthrough without even dedicating points into the skill. I got the one for unarmed and melee and explosives on my guns character, and he hasn't even reached level 20! (I only got melee because of OWB). I wish the achievements were 100,000. Not because I want to make people's lives miserable to those who want it, but when you get it you should be proud. If you get the one for unarmed, it shows you do like unarmed.

I take the word achievement literally, so...

Your opinions?

Most 'achievements', in this and ALL video games, are just little gold stars you get for showing up in class and being a good boy/girl on a regular basis. Random meaningless 'self esteem' stuff for the kindergarten crowd. Other than that, they have no point whatsoever. Except to give OCD's something to do between bouts of straightening out the shoes in their closets.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:19 pm

I took them as an attempt to get people to try the different combat skill and replay the game since most people stick to one or two combat skills having achievements for all 4 usually means a new character and more time spent with the game. Not all achievements have to be a big deal the way I see them as are extra little things to extend the games life and cruel taunghts for us slightly OCD people. Very few achievements require much work to get the hardest are the collection ones due to the amount of time it takes to just get them in most games even if you know their location beyond that your rarely required to spend more than a few minutes to get one or get them over the course of the game. The only achievements I dislike are multiplayer achievements besides ones that can be done by anyone I remember killzone 2 had the worst there were trophies for being in the top percentiles at 6,5,3, and 1 so to get platinum or 100% you needed to rank within the top 1% of players in the world which is all but impossible.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:09 am

Ithink the weapons one could be raised slightly, since guns would obiviously be easy to get but I found the Explosive and unarmed ones a little challenging because I attempted them at lv.30 when I couldn't give them skill points, they were at 20 something each. But as for getting 10,000 health from food tbh that one was a pain when I attempted on HC so that can stay the same, maybe make it so achievements can be gain only by doing it in hardcoe mode since that would make it more challenging.
GamerScore if you get over 10,000 you get 800 or 400 MS points but thats if you legit at getting over 10,00. I'm currently just below 40,000 and its just empty values <_<
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 7:15 am

The only achievements I dislike are multiplayer achievements besides ones that can be done by anyone I remember killzone 2 had the worst there were trophies for being in the top percentiles at 6,5,3, and 1 so to get platinum or 100% you needed to rank within the top 1% of players in the world which is all but impossible.
I hate multiplayer achievements because if you ain't a cheat or hack you aren't getting them.
TC's Ghost Recon has those kind of achievements "Get to the top 10%" the games been out for like 4 years, how is it ever going to happen when theres only 9 people online at the same time as me :verymad: :mellow:
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:27 am

Except to give OCD's something to do between bouts of straightening out the shoes in their closets.

I don't know what's worse here - the fact that you are ridiculing the disorder or the fact that you have no idea what you're ridiculing.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:15 pm

Wait is this supposed to be a bad thing? I like free candy. :)
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:05 am

hardcoe was the only achievement I went hunting for
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:30 pm

Most 'achievements', in this and ALL video games, are just little gold stars you get for showing up in class and being a good boy/girl on a regular basis. Random meaningless 'self esteem' stuff for the kindergarten crowd. Other than that, they have no point whatsoever. Except to give OCD's something to do between bouts of straightening out the shoes in their closets.
For me they are useless. The younger players work for them, I don't know why. They also serve a purpose for the devs. Some games upload the info, when you start the game online. They use that info to plan for the next game. Achievements that award the player with unlockables...now there is something to work towards. One game series that comes to mind is Mass Effect. ME1 and ME2 got it right. Those achievements give you stuff in-game, and not just a meaningless "hey, see what I done" thing.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:02 pm

I don't care for "Achievements" but i always work my ass off with the skill points at Ratchet & Clank for unlockables.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:15 am

I think the whole achievement system is nonsense and I always play in offline mode, but whatever floats your boat man...
As far as I know them, they are rather average achievements. As pointless as in any game..
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:12 am

I don't know what's worse here - the fact that you are ridiculing the disorder or the fact that you have no idea what you're ridiculing.

Heh, sorry, I guess as disorders go, OCD gets no respect, eh? I know exactly what it is, as I have a little touch of it myself, sometimes. No offense intended, to the true sufferers.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:02 pm

For me they are useless. The younger players work for them, I don't know why. They also serve a purpose for the devs. Some games upload the info, when you start the game online. They use that info to plan for the next game. Achievements that award the player with unlockables...now there is something to work towards. One game series that comes to mind is Mass Effect. ME1 and ME2 got it right. Those achievements give you stuff in-game, and not just a meaningless "hey, see what I done" thing.
Gamerscore (Gamerpoints) are just a sign of how many games you've played and how far or how much you did in each one.

If you see someone with 500 gamerpoints, then you think "wow they only play one game alll the time or just got an xbox"

If you see someone with 20,000 you think "wow that guys plays too many games and should do something else sometimes"

If you see someone with 5,000-10,000 you think "they are pretty average."

Or the rare 4th scenario, which I tend to do, you play most games rather thouroughly and doing so gives you a lot of gamerpoints. I may have played 10-15 games and have over 10,000 points. Usually I see people with 10,000 points and they have played 30 different games.
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 4:35 am

Or the rare 4th scenario, which I tend to do, you play most games rather thouroughly and doing so gives you a lot of gamerpoints. I may have played 10-15 games and have over 10,000 points. Usually I see people with 10,000 points and they have played 30 different games.
I have over 60 games, 67 if I remember correct, and I've only completed 12 of those some of them and I'm at 38684G
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:56 am

Gamerscore (Gamerpoints) are just a sign of how many games you've played and how far or how much you did in each one.

If you see someone with 500 gamerpoints, then you think "wow they only play one game alll the time or just got an xbox"

If you see someone with 20,000 you think "wow that guys plays too many games and should do something else sometimes"

If you see someone with 5,000-10,000 you think "they are pretty average."

Or the rare 4th scenario, which I tend to do, you play most games rather thouroughly and doing so gives you a lot of gamerpoints. I may have played 10-15 games and have over 10,000 points. Usually I see people with 10,000 points and they have played 30 different games.
This prompted me, out of curiosity, to check mine. When I first signed up with XBL, I thought the gamerscore and MS points were the same. Sadly that's not the case. I then learned that is was nothing more than an equivalent of a modern-day high score. A score that helps pair you up with other players in MP modes. Something that i don't have to worry about, as I have a problem trying to play an epic game, only have it destroyed by some snot nosed kid that doesn't have a clue.

I currently have 18,725. Which means absolutely nothing to me. There are a total of 85 games listed. Only 30 of them have any unlocked. I usually know if a game will be to my liking, within the first 5 min of gameplay. 10 of those 30, have only 2-5 unlocked. ME2 and Oblivion are the only ones with 100%. ME2, because I wanted the unlockables in-game, amd Oblivion, because I just love the game. The Achievements from it were just from playing and not a personal goal to get them.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:37 pm

I don't think there are any "unlockables" in ME2 for the PC. That kind of stuff is pretty stupid anyway because they are holding back content to see if people really want to use it or it is just overpowered BS that turns the game into a lame joke (dead space + run-throughs).

"Unlocking" features at all is a lazy design decision because it screams, "we did not bother testing and balancing content to make it enjoyable".

EDIT: @the multiplayer achievement haters... you don't have to get the achievements. Getting angry over not being able to complete pointless multiplayer achievements is a symptom of the video game "OCD".
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:21 pm

i am completely indifferent
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 12:45 am

This prompted me, out of curiosity, to check mine. When I first signed up with XBL, I thought the gamerscore and MS points were the same. Sadly that's not the case. I then learned that is was nothing more than an equivalent of a modern-day high score. A score that helps pair you up with other players in MP modes. Something that i don't have to worry about, as I have a problem trying to play an epic game, only have it destroyed by some snot nosed kid that doesn't have a clue.

I currently have 18,725. Which means absolutely nothing to me. There are a total of 85 games listed. Only 30 of them have any unlocked. I usually know if a game will be to my liking, within the first 5 min of gameplay. 10 of those 30, have only 2-5 unlocked. ME2 and Oblivion are the only ones with 100%. ME2, because I wanted the unlockables in-game, amd Oblivion, because I just love the game. The Achievements from it were just from playing and not a personal goal to get them.
I have a similar situation. I have some games that have just 20 gamerpoints because the game is terrible. But on the games that I like the minimum is around 700 gamerpoints. I don't have nearly as much as you as I haven't had an xbox that long. But from what you are saying you don't seem like that 20,000 point guy who has nothing better to do. You just dislike some games. But like I said there are people with 20,000 that have your 85 games, but they all have around 200-300 points on each game.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:10 pm

The only real use I found for trophies(what the ps3 call achievements) is for the game Infamous 2. Because the second game would give you bonuses based of trophies you had from the first.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:02 pm

I view achievements (or trophies on PS3) as a way to extend game play. With most games you will pick up a fair few of the achievements in the normal course of play, especially if it is a game you play through multiple times. But with most games there will be a few that you miss while playing normally. Once you have played a game 'normally' as much as you care to, if it is a game that you could see yourself continuing to enjoy if there were something to shoot for, then you look to see what achievements you've missed out on and go to collect them. It is much like discovering a side quest or unmarked quest that, after several play throughs, you had never found before. It is an excuse to get a little bit more play time out of a game. It matters less on a Fallout game than on most, because most of us will play through the game many times anyway.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 6:06 am

I love achievments, gives me something to aim for, whether its 5G or 100G, I LOVE EM.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:59 pm

i am completely indifferent
I accidentally my entire interest, is this bad?
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 9:38 am

I've never cared a thing about achievements, but I still got most of the ones for NV without even trying.
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 11:52 pm

the vast majority of achievements are stupid and frankly i would be embarrassed to show them to anyone. giving achievements for doing stuff that you would normally do over the course of a game is idiotic to the extreme. kill 100 enemies..........how can you NOT kill 100 enemies in a typical game? its like bragging to everyone that you ride the short bus to school.

the only achievements i give an credence to are ones that take effort to get. such as using no healing items for the entire game, not saving the game, using the beginning gear for the entire game, sneaking by all enemies on all levels without alerting them etc. those i get and probably would actually enjoy. the thing is that i cant enjoy them because whenever i do peak at STEAM achievements the vast majority of them are [censored].

whats really scary to me are the people that post and swear up and down that if x game doesnt have achievements they wont buy or play it. :blink: really, are their lives so pathetic that they need someone to pat them on the back every time they do something in a game and tell them what a wonderful person they are? what happened to playing a game for the enjoyment of ...............*gasp* the game? :glare:

borderlands was the worst offender that i can think of recently. every single [censored] time i killed a mini-boss...........not the big bosses but mini-bosses or completed some quest i got 2 different pop ups telling me what i already knew. really i dont need two different pop ups telling me that i completed a quest and then right after telling me that i got some stupid achievement for completing the quest.
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