(Mild spoilers... one mention of a character and one of a location... but not extreme)
Can anyone confirm that achievements no longer work after I use the console? I can totally understand why, since you can use the console for cheating, but I used the console to fix a missing NPC issue (Boone disappeared on me after I told him to go to Lucky 38) which was something as we well know used to happen in FO3 all the time... and I didn't get the achievement for a later quest.
It's not entirely an issue, I don't really care about achievements, but it'd be nice to know anyway!
Yes, I believe achievements do not update after the console has been used.
However... who cares? This is not some steam fps, this is an rpg that was designed to be changed.

I managed to follow the instructions enough to disable the (VERY ANNOYING) steam cloud saves that should not have been an issue.
At this point, steam is a patch delivery system for me. I'd rather do without it, but I'll deal with it.
note to OE/Bethesda. FO3 had issues with M$gfw live. You really expect your customers to enjoy the steam(ing pile)?
Next time 'round.. if I may suggest.. NO gaming client. No Microsoft games for windows live. No steam.
We can download and install patches.
We can handle downloading our own dlc's from a storefront site and installing them on our own.
We can even tie our own shoes! AMAZING!