However when on the 360 I am hoping the achievements are a step up from Oblivion's - I really don't think it is an achievement to join a guild or faction in fact I feel patronized by such weak non-achievements.
Here is my list of what appeals to me as an achievement:
Bringing 3 dragons down at once - only because Todd said it was too hard

Exploring the whole map (not including internal dungeons)
Completing the main quest on hard difficulty (assuming there is a slider)
Completing the game as each race (that one might be too hard for me as I refuse to play as some races but it is a completionist style achievement)
Becoming the head of a faction - at least that takes more effort than just joining one
I wouldn't mind a time trial achievement - perhaps completing a particularly nasty dungeon within a certain time
I'm unsure if the game recognises you have met certain levels but perhaps an achievement for maxing out the perks
Having a survivalist type achievement that recognises you haven't died once during the main quest
I guess i just want acheivements that recognise the effort I put into doing something
So what do those of you are planning on playing the console versions want?