Posted these at so might as well post 'em here.
John Wu- Kill an enemy with a head shot while in a vault or jump
Safe- Slide into cover with less than 5% health remaining
Not How it Works- Die trying to back flip over a rocket/grenade launcher shot
Swims Like a Rock- Fall into the ocean
Not a Ninja- As a light die trying to melee an enemy.
Not a Tank- As a Heavy die trying take on 3 or more medium/light opponents
OCD- Spend over one hour changing your character's appearance
Looking Out for Number One- Use every type of basic on yourself at least once. (ammo, health, weapon ect.)
Won't Stay Dead- Revive from incapacitated 5 times without respawning.
CoD Man- Plat an entire match without completing a non-killing objective.
Stat [censored]- Spend 3 minutes looking for the KDR stat.
Pacifist Hero- At the end of a full match have the most points but fewest kills.
Begged, Borrowed, Stolen- Kill 50 enemies with their own weapon over your career.
Anti-Gravity- Spend a total of 3 minutes off the ground (in jump, vault, climb ect)
True Rebel- Fire 500 bullets in the direction of the Founder's Tower over your Resistance career (any map)
Policeman- Interrogate 30 enemies over your Security career
Lineman- Knock down 50 opponents with melee as a Heavy (slides do not count)
Big Target- As a Heavy, die within 15 seconds of being revived 3 times in a row.
Spazing Out- Constantly jump, slide, or vault for 50 meters.
Supply Dump- give out 5 ammo crates (buffs? what do we call these again) without firing a shot.
Drop Dead- As an Engineer get five kills with your drops (turrets, mines, ect.) in one life
Stealthy- Complete an operative mission without being seen.
Always One Step Ahead- Complete 3 consecutive operative missions without being seen. (Jesus that would be hard)
Untouchable- Complete a mission (any class) without being damaged.
Getting Your Hands Dirty- Get 10 melee finishes in a match.
Who Says You Can't Snipe?- Get the most kills in a match using only the light rifle.
Pyromaniac- Get 15 kills with moltoves while playing as The Firestarter archetype.
Gene Blender- Make a character of each race/nationality.
Genocidal- Kill 500 enemies of any one race/nationality.
War Crimes- Kill 100 enemies with gas-weapons (assuming they have at least one)
Should of Stayed down- Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of his revival.
Hell Hath No Fury...- Make your character as much like a female as possible (here's to you ladies)
Pinball- Get 2 kills with a grenade bounced off of 3 sepperate objects.
Overkill- Fire an entire minigun clip without stopping.
Explosive Expert- Complete every "Plant Charge" mission on every map at least once.
Down But Not Out- Kill you attacker after being knocked to the ground by a melee.
Idiots- Slide into another Sliding player.
3 Musketeers- Die along with one other player trying to remove a sticky grenade from a 3rd player.
(Special Trophies

Cutting Ties- Leave the Ark.
Burning Bridges- Destroy the Ark.
Forever Loyal- Continue to fight for the Ark.
Monster Killer- Kill the Kraken.
Eternal Darkness- Meet Cthulhu.
Oh [censored]- Zombify Cthulhu.
Cultist- Side with Cthulhu.
That's it