» Tue May 17, 2011 10:56 pm
To be honest, originally I was skeptical over the achievement system... Though Valve has shown me how to do it right. The point is NOT for bragging rights, or to denote who's beaten what questline. Oblivion had possibly one of the worst sets of achievements of any game: "Beat the main quest" and "beat the four faction questlines."
Achievements, as seen in Valve games like Team Fortress 2 and Portal, are meant to be FUNNY, and EASTER EGGS: they're things that most wouldn't get, and that the "bragging rights" people wouldn't even THINK of trying... But instead, that the people who are "incredibly bored" and try out silly things could stumble onto by accident. Try Portal's "terminal velocity:" "Fall 30,000 feet." Or Team Fortress 2's "Hypocritical Oath:" "Kill an enemy Spy that you have been healing." These aren't things that a hardcoe power-gamer are going to really find. The former requires messing around and being creative, and the latter will more or less happen only by accident.
Included properly, achievements would be a good source of easter eggs, something that TES games are known for having. We all know that achievements/trophies are a mandatory inclusion on 360 and PS3 games, so those versions of Skyrim WILL have them. If done creatively, they could work on the PC as well to add to the entertainment of the experience.