The fallout community is clearly full of imbeciles. Besides, show me one person that agreed with me and has a 'new' account. You're just completely not interested in this suggestion and dismiss it like so many other idiots did. Why even bother to reply in the first place if you so obviously couldn't give less of a crap about a legitimate suggestion.
I've never played WOW, and I actually hate most MMOs other than EVE Online. But one thing MMOs do allow one to do is actually 'achieve' something. I like having fun and playing video games in my limited free time, but having something to show for it, such as wielding immense influence in EVE Online by being in control of a 3000 member corporation.
What matters more about my manner of thinking is that there are millions of MMO players who play to achieve. Fallout could appeal to them, broadening its fanbase. In terms of the leaderboard, which wouldn't really appeal to me personally too much anyway, it would be to target more competitive players who, regardless what you may think of them, want to measure their 'skill' and be the 'best' even though the leaderboards really might not be the most accurate way for that. People keep saying that it wouldn't fit in... well, then no new features would ever fit in in a sequel. There's little merit to that one reason people kept throwing about vividly; besides, a hard core, save game encryption sort of iron man mode would most certainly fit in, in that a post-apocalyptic world is meant to be difficult to navigate and would add in danger to ANY encounter, no matter how 'meh' it would have otherwise been if you could load back a save and what not.
For me personally, it would be nice for Fallout to have something to legitimize someone's save games. I love achieving in everything I do, be that sports, qualifications, work, or gaming. But that is my own opinion; in terms of objective reasons why it would be good for Fallout to include such a relatively easy-to-implement feature would mostly be business-oriented: make the game appeal to more people without stepping on the toes of other sorts of players.
And for that one other cretin who said I have no argument, well, he still refused to give any reasons to oppose my suggestion, even though my initial, first post has a crap ton of arguments anyway; which again, he ignored. If you people want to oppose this suggestion, if you want to look anything more than just pure imbeciles to any half-witted person out there, try and argue against the points I've raised.
People either dismiss me as a troll, or when it comes to actually supplying logic and reasoning to combat mine, they just start raging at how my personal opinion in gaming, even though separate from the suggestion, is stupid, and call me 'sad' for having a sort of opinion of gaming shared by millions. That in itself is the epitome of 'pathetic'.