Athletics and Acrobatics are gone, according to the recent RPS interview. Anyone else experience the deep joy associated with these skills?
I, for one, am quite sad, as Acrobatics was far and away my favorite skill. Anyone else train their Acrobatics so high that they could fly across the landscape like Neo? That was the best feeling in the world.
Any idea on how they are going to replace it? I hope it's not just "everyone moves the same speed". I want to climb those giant mountains like a mountain goat! I want to jump so high I can slash a dragon in the air!
With Athletics I would run across the gigantic landscape like The Flash. It was amazing.
If they don't include it I'm going to make a mod for it.
I for one know exactly how you feel. I'm the guy that has spells, kit and stats all geared towards speed. I almost couldn't play F3 due to how slow your character was, and I never once used heavy armor as it slowed the character down even more.
Many are saying this is being rolled up into perks/stamina. I hope it's the case. But if I can't build a character that can jump 3-4 (or more boosted) times his bodyheight and run much faster than a horse, it won't feel like the TES I know and love.
Fun factoid: the whole reason I ever bothered with TES in teh first place: I saw a review on Extended Play, and they had video of a character bounding across the screen. That jumping and speed ability is what got me to try this whole series, so if it's nerfed or capped to be more "realistic" I'll be greatly disappointed.