Lol, I know there is no money or anything going about, it's an anology of the producer, and consumer. Mod to mod user and such. The point is there is always someone willing to make, and someone willing to take. The whole point is that it didn't revolve around him (wrinklyninja) because he let other people than just him use it. If he chose to, which he did. I honestly would play the game with or without fancy weather. I paid money for the game and I enjoy the game. The mods that you mod maker people make is all up to you, so is If you let the public use it. But just because you made it, does not mean there is not a hundred other people with the capacity and the will that would have made it if you wouldn't have. All of it is just criticizing the way he looks around at other people, he can either read it and take it to heart, reject it, or ignore it, for better or for worse. Not criticizing the work he has done of course.
OK, I'm getting roped in here, but this is too much fun.
Your anology of the producer and consumer does not apply. A producer-consumer relationship is a symbiotic (or close to) relationship in which both parties benefit from the relationship in different but equally important (from each participant's point of view) ways. A producer trades goods of some sort for goods of another sort with the consumer. There are no true pure producers or pure consumers in that respect, because the consumer also has to produce something so that they may trade it. The trading is driven by greed - to trade you have to want something you don't have. Otherwise it's charity, and even that is rarely altruistic. The most common example to use is our modern economic transactions. A producer creates something. Potential consumers then individually value that product against their own produce, and offer a trade of what they believe is a value difference beneficial to them (ie. the product they receive is more valuable than the product they give). The producer does the same, and they meet at an equilibrium of value somewhere between the two offers. A trade is successful, with one party gaining net value and the other losing net value or both parties experiencing no net change in value. Generally the consumer's traded product is money which they have 'earned' as a result of a successful transaction between themselves and another party, trading their time and effort for some money, which holds value for them. Money is just a stand-in for actual wealth that requires people to believe it has value for it to have such. A billion pounds on a remote isolated desert island isn't worth anything, but the same in the city can be used to gain a great deal.
Since you seem to be talking about me, I'll use my specific case as the counter-example to your anology. I'm clearly the apparent 'producer', I make the mods, and you're the 'consumer', using them. I expend time and effort creating the mod. I then expend further time and effort documenting it, packaging it and uploading it to a site where consumers may download it. In my mind, the mod and the feelings it induces in me justifies the expense - the mod is already worth all the costs creating it had. I didn't go into creation costs in my last paragraph, so ignore that bit for fairness. Anyway, I have a mod, and you want it. I give you my mod, and you give me feedback, and more users by advertising it if you like it, or less users if you don't. So, you find my mod valuable enough to expend the time and effort to download it, at least. I, however, don't find your feedback worth anything. Even more basically, no trade takes place. You are not required to give anything. I don't expend any effort per user in giving them the mod - they in effect just take it from me. Furthermore, my mods require no users. There is no market force that requires trading to take place. Oh. Your anology fails.
tl;dr: I have what you want, and you have nothing I want. No trading can take place. My modding is an act of charity by definition, not a producer-consumer relationship.
(If the arguments I used are a bit patchy it's because I've never studied philosophy or economics and I do not pretend to be a practitioner of either field. If it helps, it made sense in my head.

And in answer to the rest of your post, I never claim to be uniquely capable of making the mods I have made: to do so would be to induce supreme irony. After all, of the 10 or so projects I have been involved in, only 3 are of my own inception (Cava Obscura, Enhanced Seasons and the Environment Mod List), and of those only Enhanced Seasons contains what is original work, to the best of my knowledge.