I'm making a mod that uses a specific hammer (lets say morthammer) to hit a bell. When you hit that bell, it teleports you to the next cell. My current code is based off the Lorkhan's Heart script and I was wondering what else I need to modify to make this work. I took out the hp check/refresh, but in retrospect I think need that back in if the bell needs to be a creature for this to work.
begin Mort_Tomb short morthammerhit;Hit by Mort Hammerif ( menumode ==1 ) returnendifif ( morthammerhit == 0 ) set morthammerhit to HitOnMe morthammerendifif ( morthammerhit == 1 ) PlaySound "bell1" Player->PositionCell, 2816, 5696, 14720, 170, "Mort Tomb" endifendifend
Is there an easier way to do this? Thank you so very much Beth forum script gods