i have a question:
How can i use the NightVision-Googles "NV Implant" of Fallout 3?
I′ve installed the DLC "NightVision-Googles" and it works fine.
And i follow all the steps in the README :
Go to craterside supplies in megaton, purchase the item "NV implant" from moira once purchased, drop the item on the floor. (its under "misc" in your inventory) Pick it up again, and it adds the DNV and battery to your inventory. equip the DNV from the aid section of your inventory to activate night vision
Now i have the "NV Implant" in the "Misc" Section of my inventory but i can′t use the night vision

I have to combine the "NV Implant" with a battery so it works?
Or what should i do to use it?
Please help