First, the goal is to make a small town mod for myself.
But I need to start small first, with just a house, It would start with a stick in the ground (or whatever stock object i can find) and you activate the stick and it asks you which of a couple of houses you want to build there. Then it puts down a construction site, and after a certain amount of time a working house shows up and the construction site disappears.
Ideally it would be more complex, with npc workers, but what I have so far is beyond me so i need to start small.
Here's what I am trying right now, I create an activator and throw a script on it, then I put the houses and construction sites down where they should be, I set them to initially disabled, and link them to the stick activator, and the script activates them in the game.
And here's where I'm stuck, I made an activator (a piece of paper for this test), put a script on it based off of a light switch script on the wiki that I thought would make the object appear and disappear:
scn aTestActivatorSCRIPTref houseBegin OnActivate if house == 0 set house to GetLinkedRef endif if house.GetDisabled house.Enable else house.Disable endif ActivateEnd
Then I made an object, and gave it a reference name, set it to persistent reference and initially disabled, and linked the activator to it.
When I try it in game, I can't select the activator, so I must have done something wrong, but I can't figure out what.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
P.S. while I mostly want to figure out this basic deal, If someone knows how to do the rest of the stuff, like the timing, or npcs, I would be very grateful.