[RELz] Actors Care

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:03 am

Again not sure whether a mod like this exists already since it is such an obvious exploit.

== Actors Care ==

If one enemy attacks you other enemies around him will attack you as well now and not just stand there and pretend they don't see what's happening.

By default enemies only attack you if they are within a certain distance from you - no matter what happens. That can easily be exploited. If you see five bandits just get close enough until the first one attacks you. Then take a few steps back, wait till he comes close and fight him. The others won't care, even if they're only 100 feet away from the fight with a direct line of sight. As long as you keep a certain distance they don't mind that you are just hacking one of their friends to pieces. That way you can kill large groups of enemies without any problems. Just lure them away from the group one by one. Another ridiculous exploit the game allows. This mod changes that.

By default the max distance at which enemies will ever notice you is 1500 units (about 70 feet) for interiors and 3000 for exteriors. I didn't change that. But as soon as you enter combat that distance will be doubled (3000/6000). Makes sense - combat is loud, screaming people, the sound of weapons, maybe some fireballs flying through the air. So people who weren't able to notice you before now will be able. Basically if you start combat with one enemy all enemies standing next to him will notice you as well. As soon as combat is over the setting will be set to the regular value again.

= Installation =

Put the PTActorsCare.esp into your Oblivion/Data folder and activate it in the launcher.

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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:17 am

And another one :D

Thanks a lot Phitt :goodjob:
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:00 pm

I love those important, "little" mods of yours Phitt :)

Just one wish, would you consider combining the combat mods into one larger combat mod, with ini file to enable/disable/tweak the various features? I can help you do it if you don't know how... :)
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:58 pm

I love those important, "little" mods of yours Phitt :)

Just one wish, would you consider combining the combat mods into one larger combat mod, with ini file to enable/disable/tweak the various features? I can help you do it if you don't know how... :)


That sounds like a good idea. I have all my little mods merged for personal use, but an ini would be great to have for a complete mod. Never messed with an ini file, couldn't find much info on the OBSE site either. What I would need to know is how to make variables work from an ini file. I guess I could just have a look at your mods to find out.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:33 am

Wow. Another awesome mod.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:10 am

With a stealth kill, you don't actually enter combat, I don't think. Does this have any effect when the NPCs go into "alert" mode, like when they come across a dead body in "Fresh Kills alert NPCs"
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:52 am

With a stealth kill, you don't actually enter combat, I don't think. Does this have any effect when the NPCs go into "alert" mode, like when they come across a dead body in "Fresh Kills alert NPCs"

No, the script only checks for combat. Unless NPCs attack you (combat music starts to play and they run towards you with a drawn sword etc) nothing changes.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:43 am

That sounds like a good idea. I have all my little mods merged for personal use, but an ini would be great to have for a complete mod. Never messed with an ini file, couldn't find much info on the OBSE site either. What I would need to know is how to make variables work from an ini file. I guess I could just have a look at your mods to find out.

It is actually much simpler than you think. The ini file just contains normal "set" statements, with the difference that they are qualified with the name of the quest. E.g. if the quest is named PTCombat, a typical ini file line may be "set PTCombat.actorsCare to 1"

Then, you call RunScriptLine with the name of your ini file from a GetGameLoaded check (since that is true once after each savegame load). Here's just a mock-up combining your two latest gems into one mod:

The script:
ScriptName PTCombatScriptshort combfloat fquestdelaytimeshort actorsCarefloat sneakmaxdistanceCombatfloat sneakmaxdistanceNonCombatshort actorsThroughLoadDoorInCombatfloat actorTeleportFadeSecondsbegin gamemode	if GetGameLoaded		; First time after savegame load				set fquestdelaytime to 1				; Read an ini file named "PT Combat tweaks.ini" found in data\ini. You may of course give it another name		; This is the recommended place for ini files, and where I put all mine		RunBatchScript "Data\ini\PT Combat tweaks.ini" 				if actorsCare			; Only tweak alert distance if actorsCare is set (to 1)			setnumericgamesetting fsneakmaxdistance sneakmaxdistanceNonCombat			set comb to 0		endif				if actorsThroughLoadDoorInCombat > 0			; Only tweak this if non-zero			setnumericgamesetting fSneakMaxDistance actorsThroughLoadDoorInCombat		endif				if actorTeleportFadeSeconds > 0			; Only tweak this if non-zero			setnumericgamesetting fActorTeleportFadeSeconds actorTeleportFadeSeconds		endif	endif	if actorsCare		; Only tweak alert distance if actorsCare is set (to 1)		if player.isincombat == 1			if comb == 0			  setnumericgamesetting fsneakmaxdistance sneakmaxdistanceCombat			  set comb to 1			endif		elseif comb == 1			setnumericgamesetting fsneakmaxdistance sneakmaxdistanceNonCombat			set comb to 0		endif	endifend

The ini file (named and placed as written above). I assume the quest name is PTCombat. If you choose another quest name, you must change it in the ini as well.
; Enable or disable different actor avareness in combatset PTCombat.actorsCare to 1; Set distance of enemy awareness in non-combat. Default 1500set PTCombat.sneakmaxdistanceNonCombat to 1500; Set distance of enemy awareness in combat. set PTCombat.sneakmaxdistanceCombat to 3000; Set Number of actors that can go follow through doors in combat. Default 2set PTCombat.actorsThroughLoadDoorInCombat to 6; Set Number of seconds actors need to fade in after going through doors. Default 1set PTCombat.actorTeleportFadeSeconds to 0.5

Note that I made the script a bit more complicated than needed. You didn't have to check for non-zero values, but I prefer to do so, in case the ini file is missing, or the player wants some other mod to control this, in case he can just set the relevant setting to 0 in the ini file.
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le GraiN
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:47 pm


Thanks! That looks like I can handle it. Will certainly be nice to have all mods in one. I love tweaking inis myself (don't know how often I tweaked EE and Oblivion XP inis till I got what I wanted) :P.
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:27 am

Man, now I understand how everyone else feels about Duke Patrick... his stuff isn't quite my style, but your recent little modstorm is pure gold. :D
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:28 am

Thanks a lot, phitt, it's funny that I accepted normal weird behavior from Oblivion AI for so long without thinking much about it.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:52 am

Thank you! It always annoyed me that bandits didn't work together and that it was so easy to separate them. Downloading now.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:04 am

I'd support merging your much needed mods, you're doing a great job towards getting rid of exploits from the game!
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:08 am

I'm joining the praise of your recent work too. Well done. This one is definitely goes into my mod list. And combining a bunch of your mods into an .ini driven one is an awesome idea.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:47 am

but your recent little modstorm is pure gold.

Any more and I think I might love you. :P

Thanks! I'm going to die lots more now! XD
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:25 am

but your recent little modstorm is pure gold.

Any more and I think I might love you. :P

Wait... me or Phitt? :spotted owl:

Edit: Ack, did I actually space out on an opportunity to use this smiley? --> :hubbahubba:
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:26 pm

So having tested this in for a few hours then out again - I think there may be an incompatibility with one or more mods I'm using.

The likely candidates are:
Kuertee NPCs Yield
Duke Patricks - Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert The Target
Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs

Or maybe something else. And it probably is the case that this is just the icing on the cake for a brew of conflcits below the surface and not at all caused by this.

What I've seen several times - and as a prep my character is level 22 in a full decked out FCOM world and exploring forts around the IC ... So Mauraders, Raiders, Ravagers, and so on. Each fight is tough to get through - 10 NPCs per room at least.

So I've seen instances where the NPCs get alerted by arrows that fly then go into a fight stance then just zone out. I've seen NPCs rush to a fight then try to initiate conversation with their fellows once there. Strangest of all I've seen an NPC flash lightening speed between holding a torch, going into opaque sneak mode (reneer), then into combat stance. I assume that he yielded, but other scripts were commanding him to come to the aid of his comrades so he was in that loop of peaceful, angry, hiding.

Seems like AI overload but with my game I rarely crash or have these issues in fort dungeons. Outside near an oblivion gate - yes, but not inside. Seems more like script conflicts to me.

I may at some point disable NPC yield and see how it works with those mods then, but as I think about it the last two DP mods kinda cover much of he same thing.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:53 pm

So having tested this in for a few hours then out again - I think there may be an incompatibility with one or more mods I'm using.

The likely candidates are:
Kuertee NPCs Yield
Duke Patricks - Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert The Target
Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs

This mod only changes a single game setting that controls the max distance at which actors can ever see you. That setting is only changed once when you enter combat and once when you exit combat (when the combat music starts to play and when it stops playing). Of course it could be that one of the mods you mentioned makes use of the game setting for its own purposes. But I wouldn't know how it could cause weirdness like you described since the worst thing that could happen in case of a conflict is that my mod doesn't work (if another mod changes the game setting back when you enter combat).
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:10 am

What is the name of the setting?

Maybe I can examine and look closer.

I haven't played with music for so long - almost forgot what it is like.

Like I said - likely this mod is not to blame for any of this, but it seemed all this was less so without it active. Key word being seemed.
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Donald Richards
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:21 am

another mod that makes sense, if an enemy sees you then he/she would call all their buds to come and help murder you. Now they can :)
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