Firstly I'll point out that I'm new to making scenes in CK but I've followed some tutorials correctly and get the idea of it pretty easily.
OK so I currently have a scene where an actor waits outside a building and upon player approach will force greet the player have a conversation and then take him/her inside to meet some more people. Then the actor waits for an actress to approach him and the player. The actor and actress will have some dialogue and then the actress will force greet the player to start her conversation. HERE IS THE PROBLEM!!! Everything up until the actresses speech runs correctly and smoothly but she will say nothing, nor will her forced subtitles appear and meanwhile the actor just runs through his lines in order without any back and forth between him and her. Then they both just stand there even though there should be a force greet package running that I know should work because it worked with the first guy.
My thoughts: Strange that when I write any dialogue for my female NPC the default voice type for recording the speech is either not present or it shows the male actor's voice type instead. Could this have something to do with why she wont say anything at all? I've forced subtitles for all her lines and recorded placeholder speech but none of it appears in game. Meanwhile, she continues to headtrack the player or the other actor as I've instructed but no conversation.
Can anyone help me with this or offer some rough instruction for a simple scene in which Actor A and B walk to same location, then talk, then Actor A leaves and Actor B force greets player?