» Sat May 28, 2011 8:08 pm
I always loved in NWN how potions worked, it actually sometimes made me think "I better try to get this spell of rather than heal first", the restriction can force you to play in a different way.
This one time on my druid I had 1 potion left and a heal, and I was fighting a dracolich with low HP, when I saw it preparing a spell, I quickly noticed the nature of the spell and realized it was not a damaging one and instead of chugging the potion I threw my last healing spell on the dracolich, WHAM the spell that would have healed me to full HP made it through the defensive spells of the dracolich and blasted it towards its death, the dracolich got off his spell though and it was a fear, and it also made it on me. So at the end of the battle I was running around feared with low HP, with the dracolich dead, and I realized that if I had tried to "play it safe" and chug the potion before casting the heal on the dracolich, then I would have died since that dracolich could easily have taken me down while feared even with full HP.