[BETA] Adanumuran Reclaimed

Post » Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:21 pm

Adanumuran Reclaimed

(Want to see this thread with pictures? It's here at http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?style=5&f=23&t=6339.)

Adanumuran is a cave north west of Lake Amaya currently occupied bu Nix-Hounds and bandits.

Once the cave is free of enemies, the player may use it as a base of operation and even generate profit from its smuggling operation.

Features of the cave:
- Low key furnishing (lore-friendly and reasonably realistic)
- Only minor changes to the original cave: everything is still there, some objects had to be moved a bit.
- http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/Train.png: working practice dummy, dynamic bow display, re-locking chests, containers for armour and weapons.
- A living area: http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/bed.png, a small study with containers for books, scrolls and soul gems.
- A crafting area: http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/alch.png (container, ingredient sorter and apparati), http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/craft.png, poison arrow crafting.

- A common area: Nom http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/common.png (firepit, water barrel and frying pan), containers for food.

The smuggling operation:
- Collect contraband goods (skooma, moonsugar, ebony, Dwemeri artefacts).
- Sell contraband for immediate profits.
- http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/accounts.png to increase the weekly profits AND the money used to resupply the cave.
- Choose what weekly purchases are made (picks and probes, hammers, soul gems, arrows)
- Keep a copy of the contraband to display in the cave.
- Find and kill smuggler bosses to reduce the competition.
- Retrieve lost contraband in shipwrecks.
- Reclaim goods confiscated by the Imperials.
- Steal paintings from manors.
- Trade Dwemer coins for rare magical items.
- Generates weekly profits based on the goods that have been invested.

Other tidbits:
- Nixie is a young albino nix-hound. She is friendly and walks around the cave, she can be recalled to her dog house.
- The leader of the cave carries and enchanted and scripted backpack. Hardly-Seen will add a couple of potions to your backpack once a day.
- A golden lamp will take you back to the cave.

- http://i656.photobucket.com/albums/uu289/Danae123123/Adanumuran%20Reclaimed/helper.png will give you useful pointers

That's about it for now.
Other plans include bribing guards to help your smuggling business and the integration of the Camonna Tong that is said to control most smuggling operations in the Bitter Coast.


Ideas and feedback are greatly welcome, reports on problems and bugs even more so!

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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:18 am

Nice features. Will download and test it.

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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:43 am

Cool addition. Thanks for sharing Danae. :D

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alyssa ALYSSA
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