I cant argue with the fact that girls want the cosmetic stuff, its just in your nature, but id say it mostly is pointless and the pros to NOT having the option to make ur character completely how u want out weighs the cons
I cant argue with the fact that girls want the cosmetic stuff, its just in your nature, but id say it mostly is pointless and the pros to NOT having the option to make ur character completely how u want out weighs the cons
Maybe with some limits. I like being able to recognize when a player is wearing light, medium or heavy armor. I wouldn't want somebody to be dressed in rags which protect him the same as a Super-spiky-ultimate-thickness-plate-of-doom. This would turn the game into an arcade instead of RPG.
yes you can....it makes the gear look like the equivalent of the imperial style...
what are you confused about?
Imperial made out of iron...or dwarvan iron...or void stone... so ...ya..no?
Its not pointless...its all to do with customization. So if that is pointless, I have to wonder what your thoughts are on character design? :S
Some form of "transmog" seems to be a staple at this point so I won't be surprised when it shows up in ESO.
Also this
Sure, keep passing off a flaw in your playing style as some important PvP strategy. In the real world the complaints about cosmetic gear in PvP only happen before its implemented. After things go silent because the complainers realize it was a bunch of nonsense.
If you lose to someone because you were deceived by their clothes: you deserved to lose. Deception is part of the battlefield. And that's all I have to say on the matter.
Ive always hated the entire transmogrif concept.
Unique armours get less unique and the gear a little less special.
Kind of a lose or lose situation from that mind set. If there is no cosmetic gear then everyone at max level ends up prancing around in the same 2-3 best gear sets. Suddenly that supposedly legendary chestpiece of lore is being worn by everyone at the town square a month after its put into the game.
Yup, its one of the best things about Transmog IMO, while you will always have the people who just LOVE say the judgment set I can honestly say I've never seen someone with any of my characters exact set of armor.
I'll gladly trade the Uniqueness of some random set for the ability to customize my character beyond character creation.
Make a "NO" option in the poll.
Its very biased.
I know from my own experience that ton of pure PvP players dont like vanity slots options (and this thread only suport that) - but guess what?
there is a perfect solution for that: Vanity slots should stop working in Cyrodil - so we can have best of two words. No need to choose one option.
In PvE - theres no "Inspect" option avaible anyway - so why some of you even care how i look like?
Yes, i remember it - i really like it. I also like a LOTRO system where we have a quite big (and separate from shared bank) wardrobe for all this vanity clothing (and few diffrent sets of vanity slots on every char)
Hell, we even have a vanity slots system on our warhorses ;D
Im curently playing Fallen Earth (post-apo crafting MMO) and item/ wardrobe sytem in there is one of the best ever. You have 20 diffrent equipment slots(you can mismatch parts like shoulderpads and gloves) + 6 weapon slots -and all this is visible on char model. And on TOP of that -you have same number of vanity slots
Btw -even with all that you usually still look like crazy hobo-clown untill you get to high levels
Nah Magic is just science no one understands yet. Like the Greeks not understanding lightening, a God and Myth are born.
That's not a perfect solution, it only appeases that one segment of the community. Which from my own experiences has come off as a vocal minority that hushes down once cosmetic gear is allowed, realizing it wasn't a big deal. So no matter what someone's going to be unhappy.
In this specific game it will be nearly impossible to tell what you're up against merely by visual gear, due to the sheer number of class build options, racial gear designs, crafting set bonuses, chaos of the large scale combat, etc. Or for that matter to lock it out due to the racial craft design system.
Agreed the game is fine the way it is, you get lots of customization options on creation. These kids want an arcade game and listening to them makes companies go the way of RIFT, GW2 and SWTOR.
Why? at the endgame everybody will be wearing V7-V10 armor of various race and armor type variations. With transmorgif you can choose from all the armors in the game not only the top tires ones.
I found the most unique armors in the game to be the low level bosmer light armor robe and headgear the most unique items I have seen in the game so far.
Knee length robe and an sort of circlet instead of hat.
You need to own the armor to transmorgife and the target look armor is destroyed so its not that you can equip high end gear than you can use.
they already have skin transfers for imperial edition. I wouldn't mind there being ways for you to craft or transfer an item to look like another item, I would prefer it to be a craft so it permanantly changes the look etc, or some other form using drops. But it wouldn't effect the game at all, it wouldn't be easier to get the item, just harder if anything since you would have to collect or learn how to make the look of the other armor style, plus be able to craft or get the higher quality item. They could easily implement a system that is intuitive and immersive.
Any sort of transmogrifying would be absolutely fantastic. I love the looks of certain lower level sets and don't want to be forced to wear that ebony looking high end armor for any in-character Cyrodiil activities or in duels if that (hopefully) ever happens. My character's just a knight, not some crazy adventurer hero and he would have no business owning enchanted god-tier stuff, so being able to make it look like plain iron or steel would be welcome.
I hate adaptive armor in SWTOR...oh that jedi wearing a bikini is heavily armored? WTF
So the question is more of taking a small piece from one type of armor and stick it to the other? More custom made armors?
So a similar option is already present. My needs are satisfied.
Pretty much. To put it in summary:
- Each armor weight class has 13 (I believe) cosmetic racial designs they can be crafted in. Being crafting is being promoted as one of the go to source for endgame gear that means a lot of flexibility to how your character's attire can look. The only limitation being stuck with only the designs available to your weight class, but that's a fair enough limitation to expect from those dislike a broad range of gear customization.
- There is the ability to "morph" existing gear to the Imperial racial design. I would be surprised to see this not eventually carry over to the other racial designs are well. Should be enough to combat the clone syndrome of popular loot/PvE/PvP earned gear.
- There is the disguise slot that overwrites your attire with a preset costume. Some popular designs that go outside the typical mold should surface from this. As of last beta I can confirm that disguises work anywhere, including PvP, and can be stored in your bank to be given to alt characters.