Add a forge to the armory of Lakeview Manor

Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:42 am

Hello there,

I've installed the Creation Kit yesterday (completely new to modding) because I'd like to add a Blacksmith's Forge to the list of things you can build in the armory (actually I'd like to build the forge on top of it, where the grindstone and the workbench are located) of Lakeview Manor. I know there is already a forge that could be build in the cellar and that there is an anvil outside, but I want something like Alvor's forge in Riverwood.

My question is now, if this is a simple (watch some tutorials and get it done in 2 or 3 hours) or difficult thing to do. I want to know this, because I got not that much time (writing my master's thesis atm) and therefore I need to decide, whether it's too time-consuming to try this or not.

Greetings and thanks for your answers!

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luke trodden
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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:28 am

If you want Hearthfire to build this forge for you, then you would have to wrangle some scripts (same ones that build everything else).

But, if all you want is an outdoor forge (I think Alvor's is outside) then just grab his forge (copy it) and plop it down at the Lakeview manor (paste it), just not in an area the game will build anything on.

However, I do remember someone taking the forges and whatnot and moving them out of the basemants of those homes, so search for that mod.

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Post » Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:37 am


to copy and paste Alvor's forge sounds quite simple and if someone else already made a mod with an outside forge - even better! I'll check the Steam Workshop for that mod and otherwise I'll try to copy and paste.

Thank you very much!

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Craig Martin
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