- lower class
----- 01
My Meshes, Menu, , and Textures are organized like this
- Clothing
--- myModOutfits
----- outfit01 --------------- (NIF, and _gnd.NIF)
----- outfit02....
--- mymodSeperates
----- seperates 1
----- seperates 2....
--- myModSpecial
----- special 1
----- special 2
--- menus
----- icons
------- mymodIcons
------- mymodOutfits ---- DDs Icons
------- ......
--- Clothing
----- myModOutfits
------- outfit1 -------------- (DDS files)
------- outfit 2....
----- mymodSeperates
------- seperates 1
------- seperates 2....
----- myModSpecial
------- special 1
------- special 2
Currently, when i add the items, only the first level is created and all new items stay in that level.
--- mymodOutfits will have all meshes for all outfits, no sub tree
--- mymodSeperates will have all meshes for all seperates, no sub tree
I could live with that, but with over 300 outfits, both I (and ultimately mymod users and moders) will find long lists a chore to go through. Many outfits have over 30 versions of meshes depending on variations for texturing.