I know this topic has come up before, so I wanted to see how the numbers look in a poll. Are you happy that UI add-ons are available? Will you be using them? Are you upset that people have the option to change the UI? Share your thoughts!
I know this topic has come up before, so I wanted to see how the numbers look in a poll. Are you happy that UI add-ons are available? Will you be using them? Are you upset that people have the option to change the UI? Share your thoughts!
I might look at a few UI addons after a while to see the appearances...or being able to re-arrange my HUD.
Of course, I am only condoning UI addons, which have no effect on anyone else, just my visual preferences of existing default elements.
Oh this is new, I look forward to much civil and calm discourse on this matter.
I just want a minimap and a bright red or green cursor so my old and tired eyes can see the damn thing against the white snow background.
I have no idea what mods I will use or if I will use any of them. I need to see what mods there are and what they can do before I decide.
I want all of the addons i can get my hands on that will make my game more enjoyable anywhere from a minimap to a damage meter to being able to mark my map and put a note to say i want to go back here later.
I like the way the UI is and more than likely won't be using add ons, but I don't care if others use them.
Yep. DPS meters, minimap, numbers and percentages on health and resource bars, buff/debuff tracker, and anything else that fills out ESO's painfully minimalistic UI. If others want to play a hamstrung game, that's fine, but not for me.
Inventory tracker would be nice when your looting and get down to say your last 5 item slots it flashes on your screen sell soon 5 inventory slots remaining.
As long as I have my character privacy add-on I'm good to go. No other add-ons needed.
I expect to play to level cap with no mods. After that I'll shop around.
Once I reach cap advancement is determined largely by gear so I'll want a way to objectively gauge the effectiveness of different builds / gear compared to my guildies and the people I group with. I like having a way to tell that someone I'm playing with is performing better with comparable gear so I can compare notes and improve myself.
Seems like resources and chests spawn at fixed locations. I'll probably see if someone writes a mod to keep track of nodes I've harvested previously so I can re-visit them. I'll try to find all the skyshards I can as I level without a mod, but at some point I'm going to want to mop-up and find any I missed. Perhaps there will be a mod for that too.
All that said, ESO seems to have perfected a rather minimalist interface. Would be a shame to mod it too heavily that that cleanliness is marred. I'll probably keep things like damage meters turned off unless I'm doing progression PvE with my guild.
You can't add skills bars/add skill options via mods...
Other than that, I'll be using them for buffs/debuffs/DPS/percents on resource bars. No DPS meter is needed for me as late-game content is less about DPS and more about flexibility and resource management. Same with dungeons.
I don't categorize DPS meters as part of the UI. The UI is what you see as a default...anything added thats not as default is not part of the UI.
Its a 3rd party app in my mind, and not included when speaking of the UI, henxe, not included when I think about using UI addons.
As many others have said as long as I have one that prevents others from seeing my magicka, stamina, and my cooldowns or whatever Im good to go.
I wouldnt care if it didnt give any advantage above those that didnt use add-ons. But it seems most player homemade addons gives addtional information compared to the defualt UI. Its just not about colors and lines in UI, most add-ons gives addtional information. Just take a look at the interruptions warnings, node-finder, minimaps, attack warnings, traps warnings, target hard-lock etc. I wouldnt be suprised if theres even radars out there already.
Very irresposible of the devs to hand out these powerful Tools for the playerbase to manipulate.
The only sort of addon i would be interested are cosmetic ones.
Mainly a reskin for the compass, and for hiding the toolbar (no idea if this is an option by default, will check it tomorrow.) and moving the resource bars more to the edge of the screen.
But since no such option exists on the poll i voted no.
All 'yes' options are about giving additional info.
And, i think it was a bad idea to give the option for addons.
It opened a whole can of worms that will only cause trouble in the game.
I beg to differ my good man UI stands for User Interface. Anything that the devs have in the API (Applications Programming Interface) that is set to be used and not set to private can be modified using LUA scripting tools to develop add-ons for the purpose of making your game more enjoyable. If the developers at Zenimax didn't want certain items to be used in the creation of add-ons they would have been set to private or not added at all.
It's an MMO. MinMax exists. UI Mods will not save crappy skill. I'm an accountant, and like numbers.
Most games has custom UI already, and dont need any Mods or addons to chnage colors or style of lines of the UI. Most games also have option to add some limited info, but most important the options are the same for all and theyr safe to use.
I dont see why ESO would need to hand out the risky option for homecrafting players? You really cant know if thyer safe to use or if they are really work nor if they are classed as cheats. No one wants to get booted from the game for useing something you Think was safe to use.
Do people realize that modders are limited on how they can mod the game? Or are we just assuming that they think ZOS will let them mod anything they want?
Of cos ZOS will have limit but that doesn't mean they won't slipped up. Currently, mods proven to be able to read the debuff and buff from the target, it also have an interrupt timer too. You can also see the target Magicka and Stamina info.
I wonder how that node finder will work?
Sounds like it will replace the keen Eye skill if the addon lights up the nodes. Thats a clear benefit compared to those that use skill Points to get the ability.