Well if anything zenis past should show otherwise.
Well if anything zenis past should show otherwise.
I did this and do this all the time. I keep count of ammo in fps games so I know when they are about to reload. I keep track of how much an enemy has spent on his resources in pretty much everything. You can do it without something telling you. This is something that used to be basic in gameplay to be good. Now addon just makes it so much easier that it is an advantage and mind numbingly easy, basically removing that skill.
I think addons are okay but there should be a line. Buff and debuff armour is stretchering it already. And if the ability to also track skiibar is possible suing the same method to track buff and debuff.
Nice one.Now that i could jump on board with but then you'll have the first guy you kill will cry in the forums"its not fair i cant see his info". awesome
That doesn't really jive I am afraid. Beating someone using mods does not mean they still didn't have an information advantage. Sure you can out play someone using mods... but in the long run it is still going to decrease your effectiveness if all your enemies have superior intel on your ever move.
Equally skilled, meaning niether is actually better. Normally this situation comes down to a bit of luck, give one the addon, the chances greatly swing to his favor.
uh actually no, he did say they were equal in that department.The answer is obvious you just don't want to accept it.
So please in the middle of a 200 vs 200 match you can keep track of how much each spell costs and subtract that from a theoretical amount of magicka/stamina they might have to notice they could of ran out? lol sorry impossible. You would have to know so many different factors which affect stats to do this and in realtime while responding to attacks? Not going to happen in this sort of game
And if they are equal in skill, the one with the add ons win...
I dont know its difficult to draw a line.
Being able to see your target skill bar and buffs might seem too much, yet in a modern AAA MMO like FFXIV is a feature built in game, no add-on required.
I would be fine with old style combat logs, your damage given and taken and a few other basic infos.
That would save me the hassle of downloading and configuring a good add-on.
Like my sig says.
Does anyone here object to a mod that makes my api info private?
If you can figure one out the more power to you
that is an add on I would consider if this other add on is allowed.
Eh, I think I'd prefer if that information was either available or not available on a universal level. I don't think it should be something that can actually differ from one player to the next.
This is such a hilariously untrue statement that it, alone, nearly has the power to cast doubt on just about every statement that precedes, or follows, it.
"Roger squad leader, the 4 guys in the hallway with SMGs are down to 3, 2, 6, and 1 round from left to right."
I have, and used to do it all the time. Iused to do it in 1000 on 1000 battles in Lineage 2. Battles always break down into smaller battles. you can keep track of smaller fights and through communication pick and keep track of other fight as you come across them. (Our guild leader could keep track of pretty much the entire battlefield, thanks to communication with the other commanders). Like I said, this used to be a basic skill to be a good player.
I actually suggest it multiple times to have an option to makes info private but people are too fixated on the discussion and simply ignored it. I'm too lazy to make a poll / new thread tho.
Agree. They shouldn't have access to your resists, buffs, dps output, healing output, debuffs, last time you drank a potion, what you had for breakfast or whatever else. Rips the skill right out of the game.
I don't have a problem with addons that a player might use to anolyze his own dps against a target dummy. They don't need to see everything about every other player. That makes for real lazy play, and mandates their use for PvP (or die because his addons can beat up your addons).
I think the posts above are what you really need to read. Where someone stated take two players of exactly the same skill. Heck just imagine facing a clone of yourself in pvp.
One clone is using the default UI.
The other is using addons that show him all sorts of information. Whats the targets stamina, whats the targets magicka, whats skills is the target using, give better indicators for blocking, target the player through obstacles, the list goes on and on....
Which one wins.
I will answer it for you - the one with superior information being hand fed to them.
No issue at all but in the end it will just mean one thing a fully fledged UI with details galore. Because this debate will never end
THe line should be drawn by what is available to the base ui when it comes to things that directly effect combat (not things like a combat log or changing the look of the ui)