got to around 10 seconds when I figured out it was a techno/electronica song, then shut it off.
that type of music doesn't pump me up, it makes me feel awkward listening to it - like if you were with a group of friends and someone put on a nursery rhyme album.
Normally I'd agree with you as far as techno/electronica as a whole goes, but there's just something about this particular song that gets the blood flowing.
I don't particularly care for electronica either, but that song does build to a nice level of intensity.
This pretty much sums up my opinion on it.
EDIT: As far as what I usually listen to goes, I usually gravitate toward bands such as Disturbed, Rise Against, Godsmack, Metallica, and The Offspring.
So somewhere between Punk Rock and Speed/Thrash Metal. Not really into throat singing anymore though (i.e. Old Avenged Sevenfold).