Thanks for the suggestion. A 'skill level increased' event has already been requested for obse. I don't think it belongs here; the purpose of this mod is to uncap the existing formulas, not introduce new behavior. And any new behavior that is introduced will be hard-coded - scripted benefits have already been done, and done well, by mods like Legendary Abilities.
I mean these as the response to "what perk add to uncapped skill", but yeah it can be made by obse itself
I just wanted to point to be able to set in mod what perk is doing

but possibly it doesn't require an handler as "Legendary Abilities" mod exists
EDIT: oooops! i haven't read your post carefully
well somebody may dont like the uncapped benefits you choose, so i suggest to hardcode benefits only there, where without this will be broken
(eg. not fixing magic skills would made negative cost in some value of ability)
but hmm the perks with "more of same type" won't hurt, will it?
aaah perhaps you better know than me what to do ... :whistling: