Correct me if I'm wrong but it was my understanding that XBox Live and PSN don't allow new content to be released for free. If a developer isn't allow to release something for free I don't think that necessitates that they charge PC fans who aren't in this position.
Even if it's Microsoft/Sony's policy to charge for DLC, don't you think it's unfair for one group to pay for something that another group gets for free?
You're correct. If it were up to Valve, all the DLC would be free. They've made the statement before that their hands are tied in the matter.
Valve keeps saying they won't release any updates for TF2, even a simple map pack and bug fixes which is pretty much what we'll settle for now, because they want them to be free and MS won't allow that. BUT, they don't seem to have any problem with charging us for DLC for the Left 4 Dead games.
My problem with Valve is that they seem to only be developing games for consoles to get enough funding to develop a bunch of exclusive stuff for the PC versions of their games whilst completely shutting out their console gamers. People say it's Microsofts fault for the lack of Orange Box updates, and while they may be right, I don't think it's 100% Microsofts fault. I don't even thing it's 75% Microsofts fault. Right now, it seems like a 50/50 split between the two companies, Microsofts restrictions and Valve's laziness.
People just seem to give Valve as many free passes as they want.