Anybody else "touched" in the same way?
I used to love the Silt Strider loading screen in Morrowind. I remember wishing that loading screen would be the one to show up when I loaded the game. But I can't say I ever re-loaded just to see that particular one.
I got a never ending load screen the other day. I would say it "touched" me as well, in all the wrong(or right?) places.
Almost every time I start up Morrowind, I see that same loading screen.
Personally, I liked all the loading screens (except Oblivion's, I got a mod that gave those some life) but I am not obsessed over them. I just like them because they are cool to look at while I wait
Being on PC, I only get a split second to see the loading screen, they're pretty much non-existent lol.
Of the ones I have managed to get a glimpse at, I love this one the most:
Like a boss!
I can not bring Myself to use the "Continue", I always have to manually select a Saved Game for playing. I hate when I see the same Loading Screen for more than fifteen seconds
I do not like the loading screens really they are not the game and its just a time to wait. I would rather actually play the game but to each his own.
I would not be compulsive about reloading to see one either but hey we are all quirky in our own ways.
What about reloading until you feel just 'right' about a battle, and have to feel 'right' during a whole play session? I've spent hours upon hours reloading just to feel a battle went 'right' (and if I start feeling frustrated, that only makes it worse!). I'm tempted to do it now because after all of that, I had a great battle with three Thalmor Justicars outside Whiterun, but because at the time I wasn't feeling 'right' (depressed a little from the OCD binge of reloading for over an hour)...yeah, would any right-minded person reload, or instead push past the event and keep the memories?
OP, I wouldn't keep reloading the game like that. It won't do you any me, I know exactly how you feel.
Opposite, in fact. I dread going through a passage or door that requires the world to load. Though some are useful, most are useless and quite repetitive. Of course I don't expect a new loading screen every time, but do I really need to know about Werewolves every 2 out of 3 times I step through a door?